Chapter Seventy-Four: Goodbyes

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Ahsoka wasn't allowed out of the Base's makeshift medical ward for another six days. By then, everyone had visited. Padme had come to coo over Aeja, and Janira had talked the new parents' ears off in her excitement at becoming an aunt. Christo had also come to investigate the new arrival, and, despite their shyness, a few curious Rebel Troopers even came to say hello.

But neither Lux nor Ahsoka could deny that the attention was a little embarrassing. Their baby's birth may have been a big event in their adult lives, but, as they had many friends in the Base, a quick hello that should have taken mere minutes turned into several hours. Finally, as Ahsoka was getting ready to leave, baby Aeja in tow, Saw came in.

"Hey, Lux, Ahsoka," he said, sitting down on a chair across from the bed. "How's it going? You two must be busy, with the baby and all–"

"We're doing fine, Saw," Ahsoka said with a light smile, coming to sit down on the edge of her cot beside Lux, the baby in her arms. Her husband immediately put an arm around her. "And so is Aeja."

"I just wanted to come by and tell you what's happened since you became... unavailable, Ahsoka." Saw smiled his tough-guy smile, and husband and wife rolled their eyes. "We've won this battle against the Empire, but I'm expecting that they'll be back pretty soon. But it doesn't matter: the people are inspired now, and will be willing to help us if we call on them."

"That's excellent news, as always," she said. "Just don't let it go to your head, Saw. The Empire has some of the most skilled battle strategists and manipulators I've ever seen, and overconfidence is a weakness that they would try to exploit."

"Ahsoka," Lux said suddenly, "are you going to tell Saw about... The..."

She nodded, before turning back to their friend. "We can't stay here much longer. This is hardly the place to raise a child, and we both have duties to attend to back on Cialone. But we'll come visit often." A smile curled the corners of her mouth. "And by visit I mean come check up on you and win you a couple of battles."

"Okay," Saw said. "But we'll miss you and your soldiers' help around here, though. It really does wonders to have a Jedi or three helping out."

She laughed. "I'm glad you understand."

Then, one of those looks the Rebel Commander got when he had realized something came to his face. "But then... Your name isn't unknown to the Empire, and they'll be careful to monitor any communications aside from their own leaving the planet. What should we call you if we need to send you a transmission?"

"Um... How about..." She thought for a moment, Anakin's last words to her suddenly coming to mind. "Fulcrum! I like that. Just make sure that not many people know who I really am."

"Great," he replied, getting up. "So, guess I'll see you around, then?"

"Yeah," Lux said. "Goodbye, Saw. And... make sure Jani doesn't get in too much trouble, okay?"

He smiled over his shoulder at Lux's remark. "I'll try. She seems to be a mischief magnet... Bye, guys."

And then he left.

Lux hurried through the main hangar bay of the Base, hoping that he wasn't too late to catch his sister. Blue Squadron – with the exception of Saw, who had been temporarily transferred to another group – was preparing to take off. Their target was a small Imperial outpost on the coast of the planet's eastern ocean.

Suddenly, he caught sight of her sticker-plastered starfighter (otherwise known as her pride and joy) in a corner. He broke into a run.

Janira looked up, and a smile came to her face. Dropping her helmet, which she had been about to put on, she pulled him in for a hug.

"Saw told me your people are going to be leaving soon," she said against his jacket. "Why, Lux? I only just found you... And now that Kanan's gone, I–"

"Jani, I'm sorry," he whispered back. "But I... I have a kid now. I'll still be fighting for Onderon's freedom... But it's going to be from off world. I won't always be here, working alongside you."

"Okay." She sighed, then pulled out of his sweater. There were tears in his eyes. "I love you, big brother. And you'll always be welcome here."

"I love you too, little sister. And I'll see you again soon. I promise."

She wrapped her arms tightly around him once more, then pulled away for good. She put on her helmet and climbed into her X-wing, and he watched her fire up the engines and take off with the rest of her squadron.

Then, a few tears in his own eyes, he left.

*Brother and sister have been parted for now... But will they see each other again? And what will Ahsoka and Lux think about becoming parents? What could the Empire be planning? And where has Kanan disappeared to? Will we ever hear from him again? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Helllloooooo there. I don't really have much to say about this chapter, and I think that it kind of explains itself. And you will all be hearing from Kanan again, even if it isn't in this book... *slaps self* DARN IT I SPOILED THAT BAAAADDDDD!!!

Next chapter should be up soon. As you might all have guessed, I'm in the wrapping up stages of this book, and the conclusion is coming up. Bye!

Fail a rescue attempt and become a slave to Jabba the Hutt as a result and may the Force be with you,


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