Chapter Twelve: The Plans Of Senators

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Padme walked into the Throne Room of the Royal Palace of Aldera, the capital city of the planet Alderaan. She had always marveled at the beauty of the place. Having only been inside a few times, she always wanted to stay longer, and admire at the ornate architecture of the cavernous room.

But she didn’t have the time for that. Curtsying at the enormous door, as was custom for domestics and servants of the Royal Family, she slowly began her walk up the carpeted walkway in the center of the room.

After another curtsy in front of the twin thrones at the far end of the room, she took off her hood, liberating her waist-length brown curls. The faces of Queen Breha Organa and her husband Bail stared down at her, but they wore smiles. It was no secret that she was one of their favorite and most trusted workers in the palace.

“Greetings, Mistress Yanarrie,” Bail said, standing up. His own cape fluttered with the movement. “You wished to speak with us?”

“Yes, Your Majesties. I have come across a piece of information that I thought you would like to hear. It concerns the Old Republic,” Padme said, in the commoner’s accent that she had perfected all years ago as Queen of Naboo.

His eyebrows raised in polite surprise. “Oh? Is that so?” He nodded to his wife, seemingly asking her to stay in his stead. “Then I think, Sabe, that we should take this conversation to a more confidential place. The Empire has eyes and ears even here, on Alderaan.”

She dipped her head in agreement. “Yes, my Lord. I thank you again for your consent to hear me speak.”

“Anytime, my friend,” he said, and the two of them walked from the Throne Room and into the sitting room of the Royal Family’s private apartments.

As Bail seated himself at a stylish grey futon and poured himself a glass of Alderaan’s famous steamed spiced wine, he spoke again. “Now tell me: what is this information that you have come across? Does it concern the Jedi?”

“In a way. But I shall start at the beginning. I am not who you think I am.”

He looked at her over the rim of his glass, his dark eyes glittering. “Then who are you, if not the trusted nurse and teacher of my adopted daughter?”

She would have had to be deaf to not hear the warning tone in his voice, but she ignored it. “I am not Sabe Yanarrie. She was an old friend of mine, as I am to you.” She stood up. “I am Padme Amidala.”

Bail jumped from his seat, dropping his glass. It shattered as it hit the floor, its contents spilling onto the white carpet underfoot, creating a stain that looked remarkably like blood. “And who are you,” he said, his voice deathly calm, “to make such a claim?”

“I am your old friend, and I can prove it.” She met his stare with one of her own, of equal intensity. “The last thing I said to you before my supposed death was, ‘So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.’ We were in the Senate Pod of Naboo on the day that Chancellor Palpatine became Emperor.”

His eyes widened, and for once in all the time she had known him, he was flabbergasted. His mouth seemed to be trying to form words, but no sound passed his lips. Finally, he regained his composure, and a smile fairly lit his face up. “It is you!” he said, and took her hand. “And I thought you were gone!”

“I know.” She smiled too, but it soon faded. “Bail, I came here as your friend and to be closer to Leia, but I also came out of great need.”

“Anything that I have the power to give you, Padme, I will,” he said.

“I won’t ask that of you. But there will be a time and a place in which I might have to. Gather our friends in the Senate. Mon Mothma, Terr Taneel, Representative Binks, Senator Tills… I must speak with them in person.”

“Will you come to Coruscant? There is going to be a special session of congress, and they will all be there to hear your story,” he said, sitting down again. They were both falling into their politician frames of mind. It was just like old times.

“I can’t, Bail,” she replied. “You know what would happen if the Empire – in particular Vader and the Emperor – found out that I’m alive, there could be grave consequences. And we must all be sure that we stay alive long enough to talk.”

“Very well.” Suddenly he raised a hand. “Aha! I’ll tell you what, Padme: it will be Breha’s birthday in a week, and I’m planning quite a party to celebrate. A masquerade ball, in fact. All of our allies will be there. You and anyone you wish to bring with you are most welcome.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

*Padme has sealed the deal. But what will happen at this party that Bail Organa speaks of? Will our exiled heroes on Cialone be able to attend, or will they be otherwise occupied by a certain rebellion and its leaders on Onderon? And what has become of the Sith - Emperor Palpatine and his apprentice, Darth Vader - as well as their slew of Dark agents on Coruscant? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Again, another really well-written chapter. In my opinion, at least. I hope that when Padme revealed who she really was, that you all thought of that part in the Phantom Menace where she says almost the same thing. She goes all like AM QUEEN AMIDALA!!!

And it was really cool getting to go deeper into the fascinating culture of the planet Alderaan... Personally I think I captured it pretty well. But that's my opinion, again.

Remark that the ushering in of a Dark Age in the history of the galaxy was done with thunderous applause and may the Force be with you,


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