Chapter Thirty-One: The Senators' Discourse

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After dancing to a famous Alderaanian waltz until their feet were sore, Anakin and Padme sat down at one of the couches that lined the room. Even though the party was supposed to be in honor of someone else, Lady Breha didn't have much objection to Padme stealing the spotlight. The Queen had always kept to herself, only attending parties out of courtesy or social and political obligation.

"You look so... so beautiful," Anakin said, and she blushed under the makeup. "There've been at least seven times tonight that I've asked myself why I was lucky enough to marry you."

"You don't look too shabby yourself, Master Jedi," she replied.

She planted a kiss on his lips, unaware that they had an audience. Leia and Winter, whose giggles had become far too uncontrollable to hide, were concealed behind a shiny golden statue. Smiling, she broke the kiss and beckoned them over.

"Come here, girls!" Padme said, and she and Anakin made room for them on the couch. The two shy six-year-olds, whose lips bore traces of the sweets that they must have been eating, came to sit beside her.

She seized a napkin from a nearby table, wiping their faces. "Ladies, what have I told you about keeping your faces clean? What would Lord Organa have said, had he seen you like this?"

Neither of them seemed to have an answer to that, but Leia piped up shyly, "Sabi, who's he? Is he your... beau?"

"No," Anakin said before she could reply, "I'm her husband."

There was a moment of stunned silence amongst the two girls, before wide grins broke out on their faces. Taking care not to mess up their hair, Padme took off their masks so that Anakin could see their faces. "Hayden," she said, using his alias, "I'd like you to meet my two charges: the Princess Leia, and the young Lady Winter. Girls, meet my husband: Hayden Christen-Chienn."

Anakin smiled, taking his mask off and giving his golden locks a shake. "Hello, girls. Pad– I mean, Sabe, has told me so much about you."

As the two girls went on to stare at him in awe – probably wondering how Padme had gotten so lucky as to marry such a gorgeous young man – she noticed a man she thought she recognized wearing the Senator's crest of the Chomell Sector, and someone else beside him that she didn't. They were talking to Bail Organa. Narrowing her eyes against the bright lighting in the room, she took a closer look at the first man's face.

It was Sio Bibble, her old friend and advisor from the Royal Court on Naboo!

She smiled, before whispering to Anakin, "Can you keep them occupied? I have someone I need to talk to."

He nodded, and gathered Leia and Winter to his side, beginning to tell them an old Clone Wars story. Padme rose gracefully and strode over to where her two friends were standing. A while away stood Mon Mothma, Representative Binks, Terr Taneel, and several of the other key members of the old Delegation of 2000.

Bail suddenly caught sight of her, and excused himself from the conversation. "Padme," he said, "come this way. Breha's speech will start momentarily, and that will be our cover for the meeting. There isn't much of an Imperial presence on Alderaan, but the Emperor has eyes and ears everywhere."

"All right." As he turned to go, she said, "And Bail – thank you."

He nodded, and left to usher their friends and allies into a small meeting room that was adjoined to the Ballroom. After a few moments, she followed. Discretely opening the door and leaving the party, she found herself in the company of what had been some of the Republic's finest statesmen and women.

"My friends," she said, taking her place at the head of the table, which seated twenty. At her sides were Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. "Surely you are wondering why Senator Organa summoned you all to this meeting tonight. I am the reason. You all knew me once as Senator Padme Amidala."

There were some outraged gasps, but when she lifted her mask, they ceased. "You see that I'm tell you the truth. I came as your friend, but as a friend in need. It could be very dangerous to us all if anything I say leaves this room."

There were nods and whispers of concur. Jar Jar Binks stood suddenly, addressing his fellow politicians. "Mesa gonna be listenin' to her, delegates. Mesa thinking wesa should all be listenin' to her, no? What Senator Amidala has to say, mesa knows it's gonna be important!"

Murmurs of agreement drifted through the room. "Thank you all, for hearing me out," Padme said, her eyes grazing those of her old associates. "Now let me tell you what I've been up to for the last three years..."

*Who could the strange man who was with Sio Bibble be? What does he want? Will Padme and Anakin be able to enjoy the party as they should, or will something else come up to ruin the mood? And what will happen with Lux and Ahsoka? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all... I have another two chapters to post, so I'll be going now.

Find out that your wife is pregnant and carrying twins and may the Force be with you,


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