Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Grand Romantic Gesture

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Ahsoka walked aimlessly through the halls of the old estate, looking at the different things about it that had become so familiar to her in the months after she had left the Jedi Order. The tapestries on the wall that she had always complained could use a good dusting, her favorite corner to hide, where she would inevitably be found given a hearty kissing by Lux... 

But she was trying not to think about Lux. 

Suddenly, as she was walking near the old Ballroom, where Lux had held lavish parties for various nobles, she heard something. Someone was tuning a pyrafountan, or a pyra for short, a musical instrument native to Onderon. 

Ahsoka came to the door to the Ballroom, which was partially open, then stopped. She looked inside, taking in the white oilcloths covering certain pieces of furniture or stretching down from the balcony. The sun was bathing the dust motes that were floating around in the air in the most magical way... 

Suddenly, she heard an actual piece start, and a strong, male voice began to sing. Surprised, she slipped inside and behind a tarp to listen. 

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks? 

Ahsoka was shocked. It was Lux! He was singing an old song native to the planet, one that she knew well! But she had only ever heard him sing once or twice before, because even though he was an amazing singer, he was too shy to sing in public. A little like her. 

And darling I... will... Be loving you... 'Til we're seventy 

She decided to step in, sashaying over to the pyra and its player while breaking into an upper harmony. She knew this song well enough to sing to it. 

Lux looked up at her, smiled, and then got up from the pyra. He had apparently put on the recording function earlier, because it played the right part for the chorus of the song as he began to dance with her. 

As they waltzed to the beat, she continued to harmonize with his steady base line, looking into his eyes. 

And baby my... heart... Could still fall as... hard at twenty-three

And I'm thinking 'bout... How... 

Ahsoka did a graceful twirl, then proceeded to do a bunch of little spins around him, holding onto his waist. 

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just a touch of a hand

Well, me – I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am 

Lux picked her up and spun her around. This dance routine was getting more and more complicated, but somehow, they were both working with it beautifully. 

So honey, now!

Take my into your loving arms 

The dancing slowed down a little, and, for the second time, they were close enough to kiss. 

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your hand on my beating heart

I'm thinking out... Loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

 In time with the beat, she pushed down on his chest gently, like it was a heartbeat. She flew into his lap, blushing, then rolled away so that they were lying side by side. But they were up again in a second. 

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