Chapter Twenty-Seven: Amni's Questions

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Ahsoka stormed through the Rebel base, fuming silently. Another fight with Lux had just taken place, and it had been even worse than the first one. She loved him with all her might, but at the same time, she really hated him sometimes.

She took a deep breath, sinking to the floor. She put her head in her hands, and felt tears running down her face. First comes the anger, then comes the emotional meltdown, she thought, trying to wipe the tears away. But they kept on coming.

She hugged her knees to her forehead, her Jedi robes creasing around her. She had lost more weight. She had absolutely no idea how, but it seemed like the majority of whatever nourishment she ingested was being directed towards the baby, and she would receive just enough to keep her healthy.

At least, thankfully, the horrid bouts of morning sickness had stopped. Ahsoka had often wondered if her dreams about her baby, the mysterious rerouting of her food and the morning sickness were somehow connected, but there was no way of knowing for sure. Theoretically, it was impossible.

But her baby was intelligent beyond their age; that much was clear. It was probably a factor of Lux being a Human and Ahsoka a Togruta. She had never heard anything about the two species having children before, and yet, here she was.


Her comlink beeped suddenly. She stood up and moved into a dark corner. Conveniently, the hallway she had chosen for her pity party was one of the few in the base that was rarely used.

"This is Ahsoka," she said into it, pushing the talk button.

"Master Tano, it's Amni," came a familiar voice with a slight Ryl accent.

Ahsoka bit her lip. It was time for a little white lie, to try to start the conversation afresh. "I saw you called me, but I'm having trouble with my messaging system. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Um... Are you alone?"

"Yes. What is it?"

There was a sigh. "Master, why didn't you tell me you're with child?"

Even though she had already known what Amni had been calling her about, her blood still froze up in her veins. Carrying a secret for as long as she had been did that to someone. "It... It was because I was scared, Amni. I didn't know what to do then, and I still don't."

"Who's the father?"

"What?" Ahsoka was shocked. "Lux! Who else? What are you talking about?"

"Calm down. It's standard procedure. I had to be sure." She muttered something in the background about 'complications in genetics'. It sounded like she was consulting some sort of reference material. "How long have you been pregnant? How many months and days, specifically?"

She made some quick mental calculations. "It's been a month and a half since I found out myself, and the only possible night that, um... it could have happened would have been our wedding night."

"Okay. Three months and six days. I can work with that. Now, have you ever experienced morning sickness?" As an afterthought, she added, "Because as a Togruta, you shouldn't have, but with a Human as the father..."

"I have. It stopped four days ago. And I – someone's coming!" She stashed her comlink under her sleeve, muting the sound and looking up at the intruder.

It was Anakin. "Ahsoka, I need to leave," he said. "Padme just contacted me. Her mission is almost over, and I promised I would be there when it ended."

She was preparing to begin a rant as to how he was their best strategist and that they needed him here, but in the long run, finding funds for their cloning project was more important. "All right. But be careful, okay? It's Alderaan, but still."

"I will. And you too..." He put a hand on her gently swollen belly, and the baby kicked at it. "You want to keep this little one as safe as possible."

"I know." After pulling him into a quick hug, she whispered a quiet, "May the Force be with you, Anakin."

"May the Force be with you..." he replied, looking her in the eyes. Suddenly a smile cracked through his serious expression. "Now you stay out of trouble, Snips!"

Ahsoka watched as he walked away down the hall, throwing his hood over his wavy, sandy-brown hair. "Same goes to you, Master," she said, but he was gone, so she pushed the talk button again. "Okay, Amni, what else do you need to know?"

*Another person has found out about Ahsoka's pregnancy... But can Amni really help her friend in this delicate situation? Or is the Jedi Healer just trying to soothe her troubled mind when she really knows nothing that may be of assistance? And will the fights between Lux and Ahsoka subside, or will they only continue to get worse? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello. This was a Chapter Of Extreme Fluffiness, but it's going to be important later on. And whatever could happen on Alderaan? The Chosen One... and possibly some old Imperial friends?

Discover a secret cloning project on a planet you didn't even know existed and may the Force be with you,


PS: I have another chapter ready, but I want to play with it a little, because I just got an interesting new idea... Okay, bye

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