Chapter Seventy-Five: The Rebirth Of The Jedi Order

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A few days later, the New Hope, as well as a small medical frigate to house the Rebel Troopers that had gone with the Jedi to Onderon, touched down on the surface of the planet Cialone. And, from what Ahsoka could feel in the Force, everyone – even the troopers, who loved to test their abilities in combat – was glad to be back.

Ahsoka sat on one of the stone benches on the hill overlooking Temple Mountain, nursing baby Aeja. In the months that she had been absent, practically nothing had changed. The older padawans and Jedi Knights still taught the younglings the principles of lightsaber combat in the fields when the weather was nice, and there were still sparring matches held almost every night over cookouts...

She felt Lux's presence in the Force even before he came into view. "Hey, Socks," he said, coming to sit down beside her. "Everyone's assembled. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Yeah," she said, sensing that the baby was full, and handed her to Lux while she readjusted her clothing. "It will be a big change, but I think that it's for the best."

"Okay," he said, standing up. Then a gentle smile came to his face. "You're going to make a great mother, you know. I can tell just by looking at you."

"And you're going to make a great father," she said, and they laughed, before heading back towards the Temple.


Ahsoka took a deep breath, before stepping up onto the raised platform on the underside of the Grand Staircase that she and other members of her Jedi Council liked to use to make announcements. Then, taking another deep breath, she looked out at the crowd that had assembled.

"Younglings, padawans, Knights – my brothers and sisters!" she addressed, her clear voice resonating throughout the enormous hall. "We have just returned from Onderon, where we were victorious against the Imperial forces!"

The hundreds of Jedi before her cheered, before quieting down to let her speak. "But, as I was there, I discovered something. There have been many times, now and during the Clone Wars, when I could have lost it. I came so many times to the brink of sanity, and do you know what brought me back? Attachments."

There were some uncertain murmurs, but, for the most part, they consented to hear what she had to say next.

"Attachments were forbidden, but, even without knowing it, I made them. My Master, the Clone Captain of our legion, other Jedi... They were the ones that made me realize that maybe, just maybe, attachment isn't wrong."

By now, the entire room was quiet.

"Maybe, it's our reactions to the attachments that we make that lead to the Dark Side, instead of attachments on their own. It might be complicated to understand, but, as long as you understand how to balance the people you care about and your priorities as Jedi, you can carry on.

"And you all know me. I've always seemed wise and knowledgeable to your eyes. But, to be honest, I've had someone keeping me sane. I couldn't be the person you all know me to be without my husband..." Ahsoka nodded to Lux, who stood beside Amni and Christo behind her, and he moved next to her.

He put their baby carefully into her arms, giving her an affectionate smile. "And my little daughter."

The next moments would be crucial. Everything that Ahsoka was planning to do hinged on this.

The crowd burst into cheers of congratulation, and she smiled. Her people – even Mace Windu, who was a strict traditionalist – were accepting it.

After a while, the cheers from the Jedi before her faded to silence, and she began to speak again. "I am proposing that we follow a new Jedi Code – or rather, one that the Jedi Order has nearly forgotten. I found it in one of the holocrons that we saved from the Jedi Temple during Order 66. This is the one that our ancestors intended that we live by:

"Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force."

Suddenly, Ahsoka could feel a rush of peace and balance in the Force. This was what the Jedi of long ago had strived to achieve. This was the secret to living by the rules of the Light Side of the Force.

"I also wish to announce that I will be stepping down as leader of our Jedi Council." There were some sighs and grumbles of disappointment, but she ignored them. "However, I will not be leaving the Council. There should be no leaders – we are agents of the Republic, and our allegiance is forevermore to democracy. And, while I will not always be here, teaching you all, I will still be fighting for what's right. I will be fighting for the day that the Jedi can finally return home! This is the rebirth of the Jedi Order!"

That caused the biggest roar of approval yet. "HAIL, FULCRUM!" the New Jedi Order shouted as one.

She looked back at Lux, who put his arm around her. "Nicely done, Socks."

"It's the first step toward balance in the Force. Anakin will do the rest. I know it," she said. "The Jedi Order will never be the same again."

"And neither will we," he whispered, leaning in a little.

"And neither will we," she echoed softly, before leaning up to kiss him.

Again, as their lips met, she heard the words: Never forget... Fulcrum.

And Ahsoka Tano-Bonteri knew she never would.

*Ahsoka Tano has taken the first steps towards balance in the Force. But will the Sith find a way to intervene? Is Ahsoka's family truly safe? And how will Ahsoka's destiny as 'Fulcrum' play a part in coming events? And will the budding Rebellion succeed in its goal? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Okaaaayyyy... now you all know the reason for the title! (Well, one of them anyways... But let's be honest, the other was kind of obvious XD)


*jumps through the window and flies away*

Discover that you have powers that could determine the fate of the galaxy and may the Force be with you,


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