Chapter Nine: The Governess/ A Call To Action

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“Sabi, can you tell me a bedtime story?” asked a little girl with dark brown hair and matching eyes, as she settled down into her enormous bed.

“Yes, little Princess,” the woman she called Sabi, who was in her late twenties, said. “Do you want to hear the one about the Nubian Queen and the Jedi Knight, or about the padawan who had to protect the pretty Senator?”

“The one with the Queen.” The little girl snuggled down in the comforter. “That one’s my favorite!”

The woman smiled gently. She had been there that time, when Padme Amidala, Queen and then Senator for Naboo, had reclaimed her home world from the iron grip of the Trade Federation, though not in the way that the little girl thought.

“All right, Princess Leia,” she said, and sat down beside her. From what the little princess knew, she was Sabe Yanarrie, a former handmaiden to Queen Amidala, who had become her governess. Or at least she had been, before she had been forced to take a leave of absence for three months.

But now she was back. And even though she had so desperately wanted to see young Leia, that wasn’t the real reason that she was there. There was something that she absolutely had to share with Bail Organa, who was the girl’s adopted father and the Senator for Alderaan, and taking back her post as governess and nurse to Leia was the way to talk to him.

Because Sabe Yanarrie wasn’t who she truly was. She was Padme Amidala, thought dead for six years now. And Bail had been one of her closest allies in the Senate, making him the ideal person to reveal her identity to.

And so much had happened in those years. She had come back from the dead, traveled into the past to relive her own love story from different eyes, and had then become Leia’s nurse. She was now a completely different person than Senator Amidala had been.

After telling a tweaked version of the Battle For Naboo, from the point of view of the decoy that had fooled Viceroy Nute Gunray, she could see the little girl’s eyes fluttering shut. Although she knew that it was against the new Imperial system to even talk about the Jedi and the Old Republic, Leia had to learn about these things. She was the daughter of the Chosen One and of Padme herself, which meant that she was destined for great things.

Even through stories, the ideas behind the tales that she told her would stay in the girl’s mind. She would remember. She would become a voice of hope.

As her breathing evened out and she dropped off to sleep, Padme planted a quick kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight, my Princess,” she murmured, pushing a stray piece of hair that had come loose from her sleeping hairdo off her face.

Then, quietly, she left the room. It was time to talk to an old friend.


Lux was sitting in the outdoor Lookout post, daydreaming about being with Ahsoka again, when his comlink rang. As he reached down to answer it, he realized that the one on his wrist wasn’t the origin of the sound.

He looked around the room, not finding any indication that someone else had left their own comlink there. And that could mean only one thing.

On impulse, he reached underneath his desk inside the cramped little cabin. Finding the small box he had slid into a narrow opening in the metal, he opened it, and emptied it of its contents. Inside was a comlink, and it was flashing wildly.

Hesitantly, he pushed the button that would allow him to hear what the speaker in possession of his comlink’s twin had to say.

Lux could plainly hear the sounds of a battle going on in the background. “This is Saw Gerrera. Lux Bonteri, do you read me?”

He knew it. This was indeed his old friend Saw. But Lux had told him to only use the comlink if he was in great need. That was probably why he was calling. And, because this was Saw the Rebel Leader that he was talking about, that meant that something serious was going down on Onderon.

“This is Lux Bonteri. I read you, Saw.”

After a moment, enough of a connection had been established for video contact. A pair of familiar blue eyes and the body they belonged to appeared. “Lux? It really is you, my friend! Somehow, I didn’t think you would answer!”

Lux smiled wanly. “Have you ever known me to miss a call?”

“Nope,” he said with a laugh. But then his expression sobered. “But I wasn’t just calling for a friendly talk. We need your help, and, if you can offer it, we need it as soon as you can get it to us. Maybe even sooner.”

“I’m in. I’ll do my best, Saw.” He smiled slyly. “Let’s just say that I currently find myself in a favorable position to come to your aid. Where are you?”

“Onderon. Where else? Now you had better listen carefully, because I’ll only have the time to tell you the whole story once over…”

*Padme is back on Alderaan. But what could she want there? Why does she need to talk to Senator Organa, other than to tell him who she really is? Is there another reason behind her actions? And what will become of Saw's cry for help? Will it go unheard, or will the New Jedi Order and the Rebel Troopers take action after three years of hiding in the shadows? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Ooooohhh... The plot is heating up... BURNING IN THE KILN THAT IS MY MIND!!!

Anakin: You are a little bit crazy, you know that, right?

Hey, I like graphic analogies...

Ahsoka: *rolls eyes*

That came out wrong. Sorry. But I'm going a little insane right now because THERE ARE 1K KRIFFING VIEWS ON THIS STORY!!! WOOOO!!!!

Ahsoka: I still don't understand why you always go so crazy about getting more views...

*sighs* You really are ignorant sometimes... I like having more views because that means that this story isn't going unread. It makes me happy to know that others are reading what I took so much time (well, not really) and effort to write! And it makes me feel special when I read the comments that people leave for me... It makes me feel accepted in a community of people who love reading and writing as much as I do...


Lux: *through a mouthful of food* What? I'm hungry!

*does that awesome 'I've got my eye on you' gesture* I don't trust you, Mister Bonteri...

Well, anyways, I have to go, because I want to post the other chapter I have ready.

Get your heart broken when your padawans leaves the Jedi Order and may the Force be with you,


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