Chapter Thirty: The Dream And The Talking

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Ahsoka was tired. She tried waking up as early as she usually did, but a combination of jet lag and fatigue from her pregnancy just wouldn't allow it. She had sat up, looked out the window at the faint morning sunlight streaming in, and given up nearly as soon as she had tried to get up. And so she slept on for another hour. And while she slept, she dreamed.

Ahsoka found herself in a strange environment. It was small, and she could make out no shapes. There were washed-out reds and pinks blending together, but she couldn't see where she was.

Leave me, she heard a voice say. But it was a strange voice. It didn't use words; it spoke using thoughts and images, but she still understood it perfectly.

I must stay, and you know this as well as I do, another replied. This one used actual words to communicate. And there was almost something familiar about it... 

I do not care. You must leave. The first voice's 'tone' didn't change.

 The second voice sounded like it was trying to persuade the first. But there are so many things I can accomplish from here! I do not wish you to feel any pain, but this is how it must be.

I do not worry about myself. I do not care about feeling pain. I care about MAMA. MAMA needs to be safe and healthy for us all to be safe. Then the speaker became bitter. And because you have not let me show her the dreams, her emotional burden is too heavy. The emotional burden is also your fault, DARK.

But I do not understand your concern for another, the other continued. You need only be concerned about yourself and what you want.

What I want is for MAMA to be well and happy. You are compromising that.

The second voice suddenly seemed to hear something, like she had knocked something over trying to get closer to hear more. SHE is here...

MAMA! The first voice thrust an image towards her, before everything went black. It only lasted for a heartbeat, but it was enough. Ahsoka saw the face of Darth Maul, when he had been dueling her on Tatooine a few months ago.

Something was terribly wrong.

She woke up, panting and gasping. From the wetness present on her face, she was probably crying. Her eyes felt hot, and, ignoring the rush of blood to her head as she got up, she ran to the mirror.

Her eyes were a horrible yellow rimmed with red. But, as she looked on, the yellow funneled away to reveal her usual sea-blue. She suddenly had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. She didn't know what it was, but there was definitely something terribly wrong with her right now.

Heart beating wildly, she got dressed and walked outside. She busied herself with tinkering at the controls of the New Hope, trying to take her mind off her dream. Rex, Cody and their men had ambushed a Storm Trooper patrol an hour earlier and stolen their armor, and were now doing reconnaissance out in the city. So she was alone with her thoughts and the gentle hum of the ship's machines.

She sang the lullaby from her childhood on Shili, bringing back sweet memories of delicious food, children's games and hunting. As she waited for a final scan for any damage on the ship to finish, she walked out of the cockpit to sit on the ramp into the ship.

After a few minutes of quiet consideration of the Rebels' next move against the Empire – attacking a small TIE fighter factory just outside Iziz – Saw walked up.

"May I join you?" he asked.

"Of course," she replied courteously. "What do you need, Commander?"

"I want to know who you really are." He shot an intense look in her direction.

Ahsoka sighed. There was clearly no more prolonging the inevitable. "Picture a sixteen-year-old girl. She had facial patterns like these–" She broke off to trace the shape of her white markings from that general time period, as they were now far more ornate, "– and was powerful with the Force. She helped you and Onderon in a time of great need..."

"And has come to help us again. Ahsoka Tano, it's good to see you!"

"Likewise, Saw. I didn't want to tell anyone who I really was, because... Well, the Empire doesn't really like Jedi very much these days. I trust you and I know you have confidence in the honesty of your soldiers, but you can never be too careful."

"I know. Well, I can see you're busy being alone, so," Saw said with a smile, standing up, "I'll be going now."

"Okay. It was nice to see you, Saw."

As he walked out of the docking bay and back towards the base, she let herself fall onto her back so she was lying down on the ramp. These last five days without Lux – her most stable emotional support – had been the longest of her life.

*Ahsoka is suffering without her loved one... But for how long will this separation last? And what was the dream she just had about? She knows one of the forces in it, but does she know the other? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all. Sorry if I ruthlessly murdered feels like I usually do... And I'm just going to tell you all now that I have another couple of chapters ready but that I couldn't post, so I'll do so now.

Determine that a planet that you previously thought didn't exist has created a clone army for you and MAY THE FOURTH be with you,


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