Chapter Twenty-Three: Setting Off The Fireworks

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Saw Gerrera, along with Kanan and Captain Elt, was camped out on top of the old Unifar Temple, the King's residence on Onderon, watching the skies intently with a pair of microbinoculars. But the stone roof beneath him had lost its luster, the paint faded. It was sad, really, how this place had fallen into a bit of a state of disrepair after the Empire arrived. After the planet's rebellious history, the Imperials weren't taking any chances with leaving a monarchy in place.

A moderately sized cargo freighter streaked across the sky towards the old Rebel base from the good old days when the Clone War had been at its peak, waking the commander from his thoughts. Based on the file that Lux had sent him by holo-transmission, this was the ship they were meeting.

"That's them," Saw said under his breath, glancing over to each one in turn. "You know what to do."

With two quick hand signals to his two soldiers, the three of them slid partway down the roof until they reached the cables they had attached to the side of the temple. Descending to the ground in time that would have raised the eyebrows of Imperial cadet instructors, they detached the cables and parted ways across Yolahn Square.

As Janira and Kanan ran off to do their part, he darted back towards their base. Sticking his head through the doorframe, he yelled, "Get ready! Our guests have arrived!"

Four more rebels, who had been lounging inside with some cold drinks up until then, were ready in a heartbeat, immediately priming their blasters and filing out the door. He allowed himself a moment of pride. His soldiers were so efficient in everything they did, and it was all because of his leadership skills and decisive training methods.

Saw ran outside, the rebels — three men and one woman — following closely behind him, everyone making sure to keep their weapons concealed under their loose cloaks. As they reached the corner of the side street they had chosen to take, he raised his fist into the air, bringing them to a halt.

It was time to set off the fireworks.


Lux took over piloting as the New Hope approached Yolahn Square. It was part of the plan. As he had argued with Rex and Cody, he knew the city like the back of his hand. The Square even more so.

He was still simmering from the fight with Ahsoka last night, but he was making a concerted effort to push any and all thoughts on the subject to the back of his mind. Because sadly, there was a sort of disease in the Senate, and if you stayed there for more than a few months, as he had, then you inevitably caught it: you kept grudges against those you felt had wronged you.

He wouldn't say that Ahsoka had wronged him, but... he was not going to think about it.

He made a tiny change in the ship's trajectory, bringing them closer to an incoming squadron of TIE fighters. Switching the ship onto autopilot, he pushed the button on the comlink at his wrist.

"Base One, this is Guardian-oh-thirty-seven," Lux said, using his codename and that of the Rebel base. "Begin as planned."

"Copy, Guardian-oh-thirty-seven, this is Base One. Transmitting to Weapons-thirteen as we speak," a voice replied on the other end. Weapons. Somehow that was a perfect fit for Saw's codename.

As the TIEs drifted closer, Lux heard a fizz of static through the comm system. Mixed in were some words he couldn't quite hear.

Lux pushed the button again. "I didn't catch that, Saw. Repeat."

There was a laugh from the other end of the comm line. "I said: are you ready to put this show on the road? It's time!"

"Copy. Fire, Saw!" Still they drifted closer. Nothing. "Saw! Saw, fire now!"

There was a dull boom in the distance, and from the diagrams on-screen, out of the seven TIE fighters, five were blown up. Stray bolts chased down the rest from the rooftops.

That had been the plan: to get close to the fighters when someone fired rockets at them, so that the Hope was caught in part of the blast. It was risky, but it was the safest way to avoid suspicion if their ship was taken down too.

As the ship rocked from the blow, Lux felt Ahsoka grip the back of his chair to steady herself. Trying not to think about it, he landed the ship in a small docking bay with the Empire's eyes safely turned elsewhere. He assessed the damage. Not too bad. It was nothing that he and R3-B4, their Astromec, couldn't fix.

He fiddled with the screen, making a quick check to for incoming ships. Nothing. "Okay, it's clear," he said. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Christo filed outside, taking care not to be noticed. He shut the ship's primary systems down and followed them a moment later.

Not far outside the ship's ramp stood four people dressed in mismatched armor, cloaks with the hoods down, and carrying personalized Storm Trooper blasters. In the middle of the group was a man wearing a hood, his face invisible.

Lux held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "It's all right, we're friends. I am Lux Bonteri, son of Mina Bonteri. I bring help in your time of need."

"It's good to see you again in person, old friend," said the Rebel in the cloak. He took off his hood, and Lux smiled.

It was none other than Saw Gerrera.

*Our heroes have arrived safely on the planet Onderon, Lux's homeworld, or so they think... What new battles will they fight on the planet's surface, against the Empire and amongst their own ranks? And what will Ahsoka choose to do about her pregnancy? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!


I have to go, as I have many more chapters to post... Sorry I didn't do that last night, but I wasn't feeling too well. I have a malignant head cold, which comes with a bonus of headaches and a severe runny nose. Joy.

Take revenge for the death of your mother on Tusken Raiders and may the Force be with you,


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