Chapter Eight: To Keep A Secret/ The Fight Continues

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There was a moment of stunned silence in Ahsoka’s room, as Amni, Lux and Christo contemplated the news. Hearing from the dead? That was impossible, as far as Amni knew!

“Master Qui-Gon?” she echoed, speaking for the first time.

“He… He told me that this wasn’t the way. He told me that I had to go to Morvolo, and from there he and I could talk further,” the Chosen One replied in between sobs. “I… I… I don’t know what to do!”

“It’s okay, Anakin. You don’t have to worry. We can help,” Ahsoka said, trying to ease him back down onto the bed. It wasn’t working. He was too high-strung.

“Hang on a second.” Lux stepped forwards. “Isn’t that in the Japrael system?”

“Yeah,” Anakin mumbled. “But don’t they usually call it the Onderon system?”

Lux nodded. “It is, but the actual name is Japrael. The pilots on spice freighters dubbed the system Onderon because that was supposedly the only planet that could support life. It caught on with the rest of the galaxy soon after. But come to think of it, no one really knows about Morvolo being able to support life…”

By then, Amni lost track of what they were saying. She was too busy thinking. One of the things that she considered herself to be good at was analyzing even the subtlest of changes in demeanor and body language. And she had seen Lux stiffen at the mentioning of his home world.

But what did it mean? What was he hiding? And something seemed off about Ahsoka, too. There were things that neither of them were sharing. But then again, Amni had secrets too. She still hadn’t told anyone about the Jedi Master’s midichlorian imbalance.

All in good time, she told herself. But now, I need to find out what they’re hiding from me. Then maybe I can put the whole picture together.


The spray of lasers from the Imperial forces’ guns flew over the heads of the unofficial Onderonian rebel cell. Their marksmen had missed, but they probably wouldn’t make that mistake again.

“Kriff!” the cell’s commander yelled, shielding his mint-blue eyes with his dark-skinned forearm. “Why couldn’t this just be like the Separatist occupation seven years ago? That way I could use all of my droid-popper skills!”

“Shut up and keep firing at them, will you?” a young woman yelled beside him, taking careful aim at the white-armored Storm Troopers that stood between them and the safety of the hostile jungle.

Insulted, he turned back towards her in between shots. “Might I remind you, Captain Elt, who’s in command here?”

“You may,” Janira Elt shot back, flinching as one of the lasers came a little too close to her. “But you just got promoted yesterday! That hardly counts!”

He was about to fire back a reply when another one of his men ran up to him. The guy wasn’t exactly one of his men, meaning the small group he usually worked with, but he sure was a jewel in a dung-heap when it came to piloting and fighting. As far as he knew, the six-foot-two nineteen-year-old called himself Jarrus

“What’s up?” he asked casually, but a nearby explosion ruined the effect. “Why aren’t you at your post?”

“Command sent me,” he panted, crouching down beside him. “They say that you have to fall back to the jungle, or there’s nothing that anyone will be able to do about anybody. Our reinforcements are compromised.”

“Well, command must be misinformed–” He broke off to shoot down another trooper, “–because the bucket-heads are coming towards us from the jungle!”

“Well, isn’t there another way?”

He thought for a moment, but then yet another explosion jarred him back to reality. “There’s only one thing that we can do. The Imperials are boxing us in.” He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Our forces have to split up. I need you to make sure that Janira and the others get back to Iziz safely.”

The kid stared at him; his bright eyes were practically boring holes in his commander’s skull. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to call on my last resort.” He pulled a communicator out of his pocket, one that he hadn’t touched in years. Not since it had been given to him. “Cover me!”

“But aren’t they jamming our communications–”

“Just do it!” he yelled, and ducked down. This was no ordinary comm unit, as it had been programmed with the ability to override jamming signals.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the button. “This is Saw Gerrera. Lux Bonteri, do you read me?”

*Saw Gerrera is back again, and continuing his fight for Onderon's freedom. But the playing field has changed. Will his efforts be in vain? And who is this young man named 'Jarrus', a newcomer to Saw's forces? What role will he play in the coming rebellion? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!


Ahsoka: Quit yelling, will you?! You're giving me a headache!!!

Sorry, I'm just UBER EXCITED because this has been THE week for brilliant story ideas! My mind has now filled in all the gaps for me to finish the book... And for there to be some potential lead-ins for book nine coming up, soooo... be on the lookout for those too-

*le WHACK*


Ahsoka: Well, I would stop hitting you if you stopped spoiling everything!

Fair enough... Whatever. Spoiling things is worth the all the pain and suffering you can inflict upon me and- OWWWWW!!!

Ahsoka: Reconsidering?

NO!!! *ducks as she tries to hit me with the lamp* Okayyy then... *runs*

Determine that you're pregnant with the children of a Jedi Knight and may the Force be with you,


The Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano, Book EightWhere stories live. Discover now