Chapter Thirty-Six: Janira's Story

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Lux was sitting on the window ledge of his old room, looking out into the bustling streets below. It reminded him of how close, yet how far he was to beings living normal lives with normal activities and plans. 

Suddenly he heard the door slide open. It was Janira. "Can I come in?" 

"Sure," he said, then looked back to the window. He and Janira had become pretty close over the last couple of months, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She was kind, smart, funny, and she knew her way around a wrench. She was the Base's top mechanic, and she was also one of the best pilots. 

They had a sort of connection... He wasn't sure if it was love, but something told him it was. Just maybe it wasn't the kind that he had always experienced with Ahsoka. It was something different. 

"Lux, what's going on? Is it about Ahsoka?" she asked, coming to sit down next to him. He was glad he had told her about it. He needed someone to talk to about the fights and the silence that had been going on for weeks now. Her face, which was nearly a mirror image of his own, was directly across from him, their blue eyes meeting. 

She suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. "Lux, there's... There's something I have to tell you, that I need to get off my chest. I kept it from you for all these months, but I think it's time that you know." 

"What is it? You can tell me anything, Jani," he said, using Saw's nickname for her that he had adopted over the last little while. "You know that." 

"Have you ever noticed how... How alike we are? How sometimes it's like we know what the other's going to say before they say if?" 

"Yes..." He didn't know where she was going with this. 

She sighed. "Lux, we have some sort of kinship. I don't think it's love, but it's something." She tried a different approach. "Lux, has Mina ever told you that you have a twin sister?"  

"What?" He jumped up, utterly astounded. "Who? I've never...!" 

He stopped before he could finish. He looked again at Janira. Her hair that was the exact same shade of nut-brown as his, the same ivory skin, the same quick, blue-grey eyes that never missed a thing...  

He walked back over to her, eyes wide in understanding. Now he knew why he had felt such an immediate connection with her! "It's you... You're my sister." 

She nodded. "Yes, Lux... I'm Janira Bonteri." 

He laughed, pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back tightly, and for a moment more he couldn't believe it. He wasn't alone: he had a twin sister! 

After Janira had excused herself, claiming that the whole story surrounding the Bonteri twins could wait, Lux sat in his makeshift office in his old house in Iziz, thinking what he had learned over. He looked out the shaded windows. They were one-way, so that a passerby would only see darkness within, but he could see out. 

It was actually just down the hall from his old office, the one that he had attended to Senate business in and the place where he had received callers of importance to Onderon, or to the galaxy as a whole. Saw had taken that over, because he needed the space more. Lux was used to operating in small areas, like his Lookout post on Cialone, which he missed terribly.  

Another thing he missed was Ahsoka. He hadn't so much as touched her in nearly five months... And it was agony.  

He had tried to convince himself that it was for the best, but somehow, those arguments had gone stale over the months that they had been apart. He wanted her. He wanted to be with her, to talk to her, to kiss her again... 

Suddenly, he smiled. "Perfect!" he thought aloud, clapping his hands together. 

He had just had the best idea ever as to how to break this spell that had fallen over them. But now, he needed to brush up on his pyra skills...

*Lux has discovered something more about the family full of secrets that he was born into. What other information could his newfound twin sister reveal to him about his father and the rest of their family? And will whatever method Lux has chosen to get Ahsoka back work? Or will they remain apart? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all! I know that I posted less than a day ago, but I've had the idea for this chapter and the next (which is ready and will be up in moments) for AGES and I'm finally getting it out! So happy!

I'll post the next chapter now...

Discover that your old Jedi Master, who you thought had been dead for twenty years, is alive and may the Force be with you,


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