Chapter Thirty-Four: Sidious's Plan/ Ahsoka In Action

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Five months later...


Darth Sidious, more commonly known as Emperor Sheev Palpatine, ruler of the Galactic Empire, blinked his eyes open slowly. Like butter being cut with a knife, a smile sliced through his hideous, milk-white face.  

Finally, the time had come. 

"Lord Vader," he addressed his apprentice, who was knelt before him, "Prepare the fleet."  

"What is its destination, Master?" Vader asked, his fear-inspiring voice crackling a little with static. 

"Walk with me." As he stood, Palpatine fixated his servant and learner. "The Rebels on the Onderon system have been far too active in recent months. Despite all their efforts, the security there has been unable to keep the dissidence in line." 

"Yes, Lord Sidious. The reports that came back from scouts in retreat have been most... disappointing," he said, matching his Master's stride evenly. 

"Indeed. You will lead this expedition personally. I fear that the change in their attack strategies roughly five months ago was provoked by the arrival of one or more Jedi. Our Inquisitors are still undergoing their training, so it must be you who leads this delicate mission." 

 "As you wish, Master. It will be done." 

"Good... Good. Now, leave me," he hissed. "And, on your mission, be sure to take the extra precautions that we have planned." 

Vader bowed, then exited the room. Sidious smiled again. Everything was going according to plan, as it always did. Now there was just one thing left, before his entire scheme reached its peak, and its goal. 



"Okay, this is it!" Ahsoka called to her squadron of Rebel Troopers. She brought her pair of microbinoculars to her face, focusing on the approaching convoy of TIE fighters. Her eyes were the only thing of her facial features unexposed, as her face, montrals and upper lekku were hidden by a long, thin scarf wrapped around them several times. 

She, along with her men, was on top of the old Unifar Temple in Iziz. From there, she could just see the old Bonteri estate a few blocks away. Lux's home as a Senator had fallen into disrepair, but, after their old Base had become too small for the rebel recruits that just kept on coming in, it had been the best place to set up. 

After Lux had betrayed the Empire a month or so after it was formed, the old place had been pretty much abandoned, with the exception of Aya'ha, an elderly Togruta servant. No one on Onderon, which was a planet with a rebellious history, had wanted to buy the old house of a traitor. But that was all the better for the Rebels, because it meant that no real estate agents would show up to show the place off to some wealthy couple. 

Ahsoka was about to give the signal to begin firing when her baby began to kick. She put a hand on her stomach as she clipped the binoculars back onto her belt, trying to soothe the quickening. Now wasn't a good time for the baby to start acting up again, which happened regularly. 

As the kicking subsided, she looked up again. The lightsaber sheath she had build on the inside of her sleeve opened, and she prepped the blaster she was holding in her other hand. "Steady... steady..." The TIEs were in position. "Fire!

A volley of lasers, rockets and cannon blasts flew from the small group behind her. They actually only had one heavy cannon, due to the fact that the two dozen that the group owned were needed elsewhere, but the ion blaster-cannons that some of the soldiers were wearing at their shoulders were doing their job well. 

Now it was time for Ahsoka to do hers. 

Setting her lightsaber length setting on low, so that only three inches would peek out of the actual hilt, she prepared to jump. Channeling the Force in the surrounding area towards her, she made a flying leap onto the nearest one. A tight arc with her lightsaber tip over the TIE's left side took out the wing and the computer in one fell swoop. 

Four of the Troopers, who had been outfitted with jetpacks –part of a generous gift from Bail Organa –, did the same as she had with their wrist-sheath beskar iron vibroblades. Meanwhile, the other ground troops continued to fire at the remaining TIEs.

A few minutes later, the entire convoy of twenty fighters had been dealt with. Jumping from the last crash-bound TIE and to the safety of the roof, she let out a cheer, which was quickly echoed by those of the troopers and passerby. 

She pulled a circular bomb out of her pack, and threw it towards the nearest fighter crash site. Once it picked up traces of a certain metal used only in Storm Trooper armor, it would explode, and an anti-Empire hologram would appear. However, when the Rebel salvage crews went to retrieve what they could, nothing would happen. 

That would be a nice little surprise for their friends the Imperials.

*Darth Sidious is setting yet another phase in his plan in motion... But what sort of effects will this have on our heroes? And how is Ahsoka, now eight months pregnant, dealing with the obstacles of becoming a mother? And what could the situation between Lux and Ahsoka be? Has it gotten better, or only worsened? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hey guys! How are you all doing?

Sorry about the lack of posts this weekend... As some of you might know, I'm also working on another fanfic where an OC gets pulled into the Star Wars Universe, and that's the main thing I've been working on over the last few days.

And yes, btw, that plot gap is necessary. You'll see why in coming chapters.

Also... to think that I was just a humble writer coming to this site a short eight months ago, who never dreamed of having what she now has on the fledgeling novel she wrote about a Jedi who left the Order... NOW HAS 9K VIEWS ON IT!!! OMGGGG!!!!

So, basically, thanks. I never imagined that nearly a thousand people would ever read my books!

*Discover that when your wife died, she didn't take her unborn children with her and may the Force be with you,


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