Chapter Twenty-Six: An Ally Discovered

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A long day, in which briefings had been given and the team had helped their Rebel strategists with their plans of attack, had passed. Saw had given his guests the tour of the base, and now, with the layout of the base in mind, Lux was up late, walking around. The time difference between Onderon and Cialone was seven standard hours, far too great for him to even consider sleep for another three.

Maybe some fresh air would be of help. Whenever he had had trouble sleeping in the past, a walk, or even simply standing on a balcony outside would calm his mind and ease his descent into unconsciousness.

Heading for the front door, he was about to push the button that would open it and let the fresh air come rushing in, but a voice stopped him. "You can't go outside, Lux Bonteri."

Lux turned around. There, half-hidden in the shadows, stood a young man that he didn't recall seeing before. He had a long,slightly tanned oval-shaped face and the same bright, mint-blue eyes that, along with his blue-grey, were all so common in Onderonians. His long, red-brown hair was pulled back into short ponytail, and he wore a seemingly permanent expression of distrust and contempt, his mouth set in a frown above the beginnings of a goatee.

But somehow, there was something familiar about him.

"Why not?" he tried asking.

The stranger uncrossed their arms and stepped out of the shadows. Lux was surprised. From the way that the man had been slouched up against the wall, he had seemed a lot shorter. But he was probably in actuality around six foot two, a good three inches taller than he was.

"Curfew. The Imperials put it into place practically five minutes after they finished setting up a Grand Moff to govern the area. You're not allowed to go outside or even open the windows more than three inches after dark. When we need to, we use the underground piping system to get around at night. So, unless you're trying to get us all caught, you had better stay inside with the blinds closed."

Lux nodded, choosing to ignore his hostile tone. "Okay. Thanks."

As he turned to go, the young man stopped him. "Wait." Lux noted a change in his voice. "If I told you that I'm Force-sensitive, carrying a lightsaber, and been having dreams about a man who said to look for you, would you believe me?"

He was about to nod, when he realized that this could be a trap. "Why are you asking me all this? If you would tell someone you're a Jedi, why tell a stranger?"

"I don't know. And I can't put my finger on it, but somehow, you seem familiar." For the first time, the man smiled. "And besides, you're carrying a lightsaber too."

Lux looked down to his belt. Before, with his cloak on, it hadn't been as obvious. "Well, maybe I killed a Jedi and took it from them."

"I don't think you did," he said, sticking out a hand. "I'm Kanan Jarrus."

It took every bit of willpower he possessed to keep his jaw from dropping. This was the man that Enarion had told him to find?

"Pleased to meet you," he replied shakily, shaking Kanan's hand. After all, the Force-ghost had wanted him to earn his trust. So that was what he was going to do.

He leant back up against the wall, and Lux copied the gesture. "So where did you get your lightsaber?" Kanan asked.

Lux decided not to use Obi-Wan Kenobi's name, instead opting for a more general term. "From another Jedi. They made it for me in hopes that I would become a Jedi Knight myself."

"And did you?"

"Not exactly." He smiled. "Sure, I had some training, and I am Force-sensitive, but I prefer a blaster or a vibro-blade to a lightsaber in my everyday life."

"I can understand that. Not all Force-sensitive people are cut out to be Jedi. I know my father wasn't."

"Did you know him?"

Kanan looked up at the ceiling for a moment. "Not really. I have a picture of him, but other than that, I only know his name and where he was born. The Empire was formed before I was old enough — by the Jedi Council's standards — to know anymore than that. I use his middle name to escape Imperial detection."

"What was his full one?"

"I think... I think it was something like Enarion Jarrus Dume."

*Lux has discovered something else about the mysterious Enarion Dume: the fact that he has a son. But what could this mean for Lux, who is depending on Enarion to tell him the truth about his family, and of his real father's survival? And what will he think if he discovers that he is about to become a father himself? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

As you can all see, I'm starting to wind the series back down towards what we know about Star Wars Rebels, particularly Ahsoka's dealings with Rebel cells across the galaxy. And you'll find that there's a connection between Ahsoka, Bail Organa, and a few other people that you don't know yet... 

But I do believe those are enough spoilers for today. I'll just say that in Book Nine, I will come full circle with the story and you'll understand more about Ahsoka's involvement with the characters we know... From SWR, SWTCW and the movies.

That was the last chapter I had ready today, but I'll get writing on the next one as soon as I can. I hope you all enjoyed!

Become the best bush pilot in the Outer Rim Territories and may the Force be with you,


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