Meeting The Band

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"Y/n hurry up we're leaving love!" Roger shouted from outside your room.
"I'm coming wait by the car!"
You shout back putting a flared jumpsuit on.
When you finished getting dressed, you added gold jewelery, white boots, pink sunglasses and a furr coat.

You turn the lights of and leave your apparment locking the door.

Roger was your roommate, who you've known since you were 12.
You're both attending the same university studying different subjects, but recently Roger had joined a banned called Smile.

You're very fond of their music but not the loudness of the drums in the middle of the night.

Tonight, Smile is performing and Roger has invited you to come and watch them live for the first time.

"How do I look?"
You ask him, walking towards the car.

He's leaning against the car door looking rather shocked.
"Ugh. Erm. Good."
"Good?" You say expecting to hear something better.
"Great even. I don't know... Hot."
"Hot? Geeze Roger. Get in the car."
He blushes and gets in the drivers seat.

You didn't know what to say to him on the journey there.
It was awkward and full of tension between you to.

When you arrived, 3 other guys were standing infront of a van, taking instruments out of it.

It was the first time you were meeting the band so you were very excited.

"Ahh, this must be Y/n."
A man with long black hair and dark features said approaching, then hugging you.
"Hi! You must be Brian?"
"No dear that's Brian."
He said pointing to a tall curly head man waving with a grin on his face, "I'm Freddie."
"Oh yes! I've heard you singing you sound amazing."
"Why thank you dear."
"Hi I'm John, nice to meet you."
A man said peering from behind of Freddie.
"Hi John! Nice to meet you to."
He didn't say anthing but the cutest smile appeared on his face.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n." Brian says walking over to you.
"You to Brian." You say with a smile.
"It's so nice to meet all of you. I really like your music."
"Thank you dear. Where's Roger?"
"Probably with some girl. We didn't talk on the way here, things got a bit awkward when we left."
"Oh no, what happened?" John asked.
"Well I asked how I looked and he said I looked hot."
"Well he's not wrong." Freddie said with a smirk.
You laughed, rather awkwardly.
John playfully hit his arm.
"Don't make her feel uncomfortable Fred we just met the poor thing. Come inside I'll get you a drink."
"Thanks John."

He guided you into the building and there Roger stood talking to a girl in the corner of the room.

"What did I say?" You say looking over at him.
John Laugehd, "Well we do call him sex on 2 legs."
You laugh feeling jealous almost.
But you have a boyfriend so you shouldn't be.

"What would you like?"
"I'll have a jack Daniels please."
"Ooooh. Whiskey girl!"
"Yeah. It's not everyday you find a girl who likes whiskey."
"No it isn't."

John orders the drinks and the rest of the band alongside other people enter the building.

"Here you are love."
"Thank you so much."
"My pleasure."

The rest of the band walked over, including Roger.

"Are you ok?" Roger asked avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah. You?"
"You need to relax. So what if you called her hot. Just chill and enjoy tonight. Besides, Y/n do you have a boyfriend?" Freddie belted.
"Yes I do."
"Right then."
"Thanks Fred." Roger said sarcasticly, "We can figure things out on our own you know."
"He's only trying to help Roger." You say, "Thank you Fred."
He smiled at you.

Just then, you noticed someone familiar.
"Roger hold my drink, Cameron is here." You say placing your drink in his hand and walking away.

"Hi Cameron." You say hugging him from behind.
"Hi baby!" He says turning around and making eye contact with Roger.

Him and Roger have never gotten along and it was never quite clear as to why.
Well to others is was but not to you.

"Can I meet the band?" He asks.
"Sure come over."

You took him by the hand and walked over.
"Cameron this is Freddie, Brian, John and you know Roger."
They greeted one another, and you moved back over to Roger to collect your drink.
"I've heard a couple of your songs they're actually really good."
"Thank you." Brian said leading the conversation.

Brian, Cameron.
Freddie, Y/n.
John, Roger.
All formed mini conversations, until it was time for the boys to perform.

You stood with Cameron, but you couldn't take your eyes of Roger.

He looked rather attractive when he played the drums.
He did in general but when behind a drum kit, he looked even more attractive.

"Can I stay over?" Cameron asked completely shit-faced.
"Sure love."
"Did you enjoy the show?" Roger asked.
"It was amazing, you're so talented." You say scruffling his hair, whilst he smiles.
"I know love... Will he be ok?"
"Yeah. He'll be fine. He's always like this."
"What drunk?"
"Are you sure you're ok in this relationship? Something seems... Off."
"Roger I'm fine. It has nothing to do with you."
"I was just checking-"
"Yeah well don't." You say walking ahead with Cameron in your arm.

You arrived home before Roger, taking Cameron straight to bed.
You didn't want to put up with the snoring so you slept on the sofa.

But you awoke when the light turned on.

"Sorry. Sorry love." Roger said closing the door behind him.
"Why aren't you in bed?"
"Cameron. He snores to loud."
Roger chuckled.
"I'm sorry love. About tonight. I just don't want you getting hurt." He says joining you on the sofa.
"It's ok, I get it."
He opens his arms for you to hug him.

So you lean in, taking in every aspect of him that is touching you.
You enjoyed being so close to him.
Feeling his breath and his skin on yours.

"Do you want to watch a film?" He asks.
"Sure, you chose."

He choses a film, 101 dalmatians.

When he sits back down, he pulls you onto his chest.
"Are you comfortable?" He asks.
"Very. Thank you Roger."

He doesn't say anything, but as you drift of to sleep, he whispers,
"I love you."

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