Live At The Rainbow

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"Are you ready love?" Roger asked waiting by the front door.

"Yeah. You look nice." You say and walk into the living room with Lily in your arms.

"I'm kidding you look amazing!"
"As do you. Hot even." He says kissing you as you head over to the front door.

You leave the apartment and head to the car.

"Hi boys!" You say.
"Hi Y/n! You look amazing." Freddie says with a smirk.
"Thanks Fred. So do you and the others."

Roger helps you put Lily in the car seat.

"I'll see you there my love." Roger says and kisses your cheek.
"Yep ok."
He hands you the changing bag which he had brought down.
"I love you. Safe drive." He kisses you and climbs across Freddie to sit in the middle seat.
"Love you to."

They drive away and you wave goodbye.

"Daddy!" Lily cries as you climb into the car.
"Oh sweet thing we'll see him in a minute love." You say and turn around.
She cries with a small pout sympatheticly.
"Awee. Don't cry. Here play with this."
You hand her the house keys which keep her pretty occupied.

You arrive a couple of minutes after the boys.

"Y/n!" Freddie says and hugs you as you enter the room.

Lily began to cry again in the car, Freddie had noticed the tear stains.

"Oh she wanted her daddy!" You say and look over to Roger.
He smiles and walks over to take her from your arms and lifts her into the air.
"Oh I missed you to!" He says in a tone which made her laugh.
He then kisses her cheek and holds her normally.
He then kisses your cheek.

The boys get themselves ready, you standing in the corner talking to Lily about what was happening.
Roger could see you trying to stop her from crying which drew a smile to his face.

He had soon gotten into his stage outfit and all make up was applied.

"You'll wait on the edge of the stage right?" Roger asked.
"If you want me to. I just don't want her to cry."
"She won't it's alright. If she does no one will be able to hear her."
"Fair enough. I can't wait to see this."
"I worked extra hard for you my love."
"Awe." You say and kiss him.

The boys got the call to go on stage and he pulled you by the arm to the side of the stage.

"Break a leg gorgeous." You say as you hear the music begin to play.
He kisses you then Lily on the cheek and runs out to his drum kit.

Midway through the show, Roger runs back out again.
"Baby you're doing great!" You say as sweat drips all over his body.
He takes his shirt of and puts a new one on.
"Thanks my love. I'm so tired."
"I bet but you can finish it."
"I know beautiful. I'll be back in a bit love." He says and kisses you.

He runs back on stage.

After the show had finished and you congratulated the boys, you drove Roger back home.

"You were amazing." You say.
He sits back in the chair and rubs his eyes.
"Thanks baby." He says with a sleepy tone and closes his eyes.
You chuckle as he falls asleep.

When you get home, Roger doesn't wake up, so you take Lily out of the car and open Rogers door.

You lean down and stroke the top of his head until he awakes.
"Rog. Wake up we're home."
He nodds and climbs out of the car.

He takes Lily from your arms as you pick up the changing bag.

When you enter the apartment, Roger puts Lily to bed as you make him a cup of tea.

He drinks it pretty quickly as you suggest taking a shower with his company.
Obviously, he excepts.

Once you had showered and put on pyjamas, you both headed straight to bed.

He throws himself onto the bed and you climb next to him and begin to play with his hair.

"Tired love?" You ask.
He nodds.

He climbs into bed, as do you.
He pulls you into his arms and places his head under your chin.

"I'm proud of you." You whisper, "You were amazing, you all were. The talent."
He kissed my chest.
"I love you." He responds.
"I love you more. Now go to sleep."
"How did Lily cope with the loud noises?"
"The sound manager gave her some ear plugs. Sleep now."
"Ok my love."

And for a moment in time, you felt happy knowing he was happy.

But nothing was stopping your depression from taking over again.

There wasn't anything keeping you happy.

Not Roger.
Not even Lily.

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