The Boys

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"When will you tell your parents and everyone else?" Roger asked.
"I don't know. I'll tell the boys first. Then my family. Everyone else can know whenever."
"Do you want me to call the boys over now?"
"Yes. It's better to get it done now."
"But what if they assume it's mine."

Your heart sank knowing full well it was his.

"Well then, I'll tell them straight away that it's not."

I kind of felt inevitable yet absurd that this was happening.
And especially how it was all so fast.
But telling Roger he was going to be a dad only after a week of knowing him, it would seem to quick and it could ruin everything.

"They're on thier way." He said cutting his thoughts.
"Ok great." You said with a nervous tone.
"Hey don't be nervous. Everything is going to be ok."
He walked over to you and placed his arms around your waist.
He then kisses you.

"Love I'll be back in a minute." He says and walks to his room.


I don't really have any words.
I'm happy I guess but.
I don't know.

I don't understand why she never told me before.
But I know her.
This is not her.
Something seems of; majorly.

But I can't say anything, I'm sure she's stressed enough as it is.

When she told me, I immediately thought it was mine like anyone would.
Maybe that's why we didn't use protection (not that I can remember if we did or not)
But even then I never saw her throw up or shown signs of pregnancy.

Whatever the truth is, I'm sure it will come out one day.

But for now, the baby is Camerons.
And I'm going to help her through it all.


The doorbell rang.

"Darling is everything ok?" Freddie said hugging you.
"Yeah. I just have something to say. Hi boys come in."

There they stood.
Infront of you wating for the so important news.

"Roger can you come here please?" You shout.
"Yeah love."

He opens the door.
Smiles at the boys.

"Roger knows what I'm about to say already. But. Well. I'm pregnant."

Their faces lit up.

"But it's not Rogers."

They looked confused.

"Well congratulations darling!" Freddie said hugging you.
"Thank you Fred."

Brian and John hugged you afterwards congratulating you.

"So it's Camerons. But I don't want him near the baby at all. Not after what he did to Roger. So Roger has said he will help me and raise it like his own. Which is what I want."
Roger nodds.

"That's great. Just as long as you're happy." John says with a smile.
"Yes. I think so." You answer.
"That doesn't sound to promising." Brian adds.
"Yeah well I need to get my head around this."
"You'll be ok dear. We'll help you. You won't be alone in this." Freddie says as the others nod.
"Thank you all. I appreciate it. Really."

And just like that.

You felt the guilt hit you like a train.

There's no turning back now.

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