That Was Uncalled For

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You woke up to an empty house.
No Roger.
No Cameron.
You knew Roger would be at Uni but you didn't know where Cameron would be.

But then it crept into your mind.
What Roger said.

You thought it was a dream but you knew it must have been real.

He loves you?
But he spends his days with girls and shows them the same affection as he does you.
But what if it was to cover he felt?

Your worries left when you found a note on the table.

'I didn't want to wake you love.
Thanks for bringing me home, I'll see you later.
Love, Cameron xx'

You smiled and proceeded to make some breakfast.

You didn't have any plans, so for the entire day, you watched films, ate and slept.

"Hi love."
Roger said walking into the apartment.
"Oh. Hi. How was Uni?"
"Good. Wanted to stay here though."
You chuckled with butterflies in your stomach.

Perhaps you might have feelings?

"What did you get up to?"
He asked cutting your thoughts.
"I watched films. Nothing else."
"A little."
"Well we can go out tonight if you want?"
"No. I'm not in the mood for that."
"Are you sure love?"
He asked sitting down beside you and putting his arm around the back of the chair.
His fingers were against your shoulder and soon, he shifted so he was closer to you.

"Hi baby."
Cameron said walking in through the door.

He draped his coat on the chair next to Roger and kissed your cheek.

"Hi Cam. You feeling good?"
"Erm a little."
He sat down beside you.

Now, you were stuck in between to boys you'd give your life for.
But the problem was, you had feelings for them both.

It felt awkward.


"Um I have some studying to do. You guys can stay here. Talk or watch TV I don't mind."
You say rushing to your room.
"Are you ok love?"
Roger asked.
"I'm fine."
You say slamming the door.
"What's her problem?"
Cameron asked.
"She hasn't got a problem. And if she did it would be you."
Roger said standing up.
"Whatever. She loves me unlike someone."
"Oh fuck of Cameron. At least I'm there for her. Not drunk every night or only around for money or sex."
"What the fuck are you talking about. I care for her."
Cameron shouted standing up.
"No you don't. It's all an act just to keep her around."

Roger had moved to the kitchen and Cameron stayed by the sofa.
They could see each other, shouting back and fourth.

"Fuck of Roger, you're no angel. Sleeping around like a fucking whore."
"That has nothing to do with you but at least I care for her."
"I bet you've shagged her, when she was drunk or something."
"Fuck off I would never lay my hands on her without concent. I'm not a monster."
He mutters getting ready to leave.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going? Leaving her again without saying goodbye."
"Roger fuck of."
He says and punches him in the face.

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