The Secret Begins

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"Morning beautiful." Roger said as you opened your eyes.
"Morning." You chuckle.
He kisses you, tenderly yet full of lust.
You move his head with his hands, feeling the kiss linger on your lips.
"Feel better for that?"
"Yep." He says quickly and kisses you again.

Soon, you both were putting clothes on (you in one of his shirts and some shorts, him in some joggers)

He seemed almost hipper and so within a flash he out of the room.

"Why are you so hipper?" You say following him.
He shruggs with a grin on his face.
"Well I wonder why." He says sarcastically.
You laugh and walk over to him in the kitchen.

He places his arms around your waist as you hold on to his arms.

"You have a great body." He says.
You laugh and say, "Thanks."
He kisses your cheek and let's go of you walking to the cupboard and taking out a pan.
"Pancakes?" He asks.
"Yes please. Can I help?"
"Nope. Go and watch TV."
"Very demanding of you."
"Yep." He says with a smile.
You smile back and go to the living room and turn the TV on.

"What would you like on them?"
"Erm. Syrup please. Are you sure you don't want any help?"
"No love."

Just minutes later, he walks into the room and sits beside you.
"Here you are." He says and hands you a plate.
"Thank you."
He kisses your cheek and you both proceed to eat.

Everything seemed to be in place.
You and Roger were happy together and you loved hanging out with the band and going to their shows.

But a week after you had slept with Roger, you felt sick and was vomiting in the mornings.
You never told him about it.
Mainly in fear.

So you went to the shop and bought a pregnancy test.

When you got a chance to be alone in the apartment, you took the test.

Your heart was beating so fast you thought you would pass out.
Were you ready to be a mum?
Did you and Roger even use protection?

When you turned the test around, your heart sank in many different emotions.

You were going to have a baby.

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