Our Wedding

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The next six months were filled with wedding preparations, interviews and meetings with publishers.

You finished your book and sent it to 7 different publishers.

After 3 months, you got a call back.

Roger was off the walls and so excited for you, as you were when they released a 'Night At The Opera' and hit number one with 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

It was insane for the both of you and therefore the wedding kept getting pushed back.

The band.
The book.


It came so quickly it became overwhelming for you.

Roger knew and tried to help, but anxiety took over you for some time.

You didn't leave the house for months.

After money increased for the both of you, you and Roger decided it was best to move into a bigger house.

After a while of looking, you found a 5 bedroom house with an indoor swimming pool.
It was lovely and a nice space for you to have an office and Roger to have a place he can practise the drums.

After moving, and settling down, you began to go out a little more often.
Only if you had Roger by your side.

News came around of a tour in Japan.

Roger didn't want to leave you but you told him it was best for him to go.

Soon, they did and you were left at home with your daughter for a few months.

It gave you time to focus on your books without having to worry about the wedding until the week of the event.

Roger soon returned (making you and Lily feel much happier and safer) and it left time to rest and spend time together as a family.

Within the relaxation (and a lot of sex) you had informed your parents about your wedding being around the corner and how good it would be for them to be there and to see Lily.

Now, it was the day before the wedding and you had just returned home from the rehearsal.

"I'm nervous now." You say.
"Me to. It will be fine tho."
"I know. Your mum is picking me and Lily up soon, so make most of us now until you can see us again."
"Come here then." He says pulling you into his arms and kissing you repetivley making Lily laugh.
You begin to laugh and so does he, as he continues to make her laugh.

After sometime, the doorbell rang.

"She's here." You say and open the door.
"Hi Y/n! Hi Lily." She says as you hand Lily into her arms.
Roger walks over and exchanges greetings.

"Are you ready Y/n?"
"I'll get my bags and then say goodbye to Rog."
"Ok love."

You bring your suitcase, filled with yours and Lily's clothes, to the front door.

Rogers dad, climbs out of the car and you exchange greetings.
He takes your suitcase for you as his mother takes Lily into the car after Roger says goodbye repitivley kissing her cheek.

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