A Night To Remember

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2 months had passed.

You had forgiven Roger but not entirely.
You understood he was sorry and meant it to.

You hadn't had the time to rip each others clothes off.
Work, Uni, the bad ect.

But Roger had put his foot down and asked Freddie to baby sit Lily for the night so he could take you out for dinner.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He said walking into the bathroom as you were leaving over the sink applying mascara on.

You had a small silky black dress with black high heels.
You're hair was neatly curcled and all that was left was make up.

"You look handsome." You respond as he position's himself behind you placing his hands on your waist.

You stand straight again, only allowing him to push his body closer to yours and kiss your neck.

You chuckled and stopped him.
"Save that for later."
"Ugh. Can't we fuck the restaurant and go straight to bed?"
"No Rog. We need to do something nice and relaxing. Then get to the crazy stuff."
"I'm to impatient. I want to rip that dress of now." He said slowly moving his hands up your body.
You pushed them back down again.
"Well, you'll have to wait. Besides, we have only ever slept with each other once before. It's not like we know what each other really wants or needs. This is experimental."
"Well I'll experiment with you every single night now that I can."
You chuckle allowing him to kiss your neck again.

"Right. Enough. Fred will be here soon, is Lily ready?" You say turning around and walking out of the bathroom.
"Yeah love." He says and follows.

He did look extremely hot.
Black shirt half buttoned (like usual) and tight leather trousers.

It turned you on a bit, sure, but you were better at hiding it then he was.

You walk over to him, lifting Lily in the air as she giggled.

"Awe. She looks adorable! You're a star." You say and kiss his cheek.
"Well I am the best dad." He says, referring to the best dad cup you bought him.
You chuckle and shake your head.

Just then the door opened after someone knocking on it.
"Y/n dear you look fabulous!" Freddie said with a gorgeous smile on his face.
"Thanks Fred. Now everything is packed in Lily's changing bag including her formula for milk and baby food. If she wakes you up in the night, sing to her she loves your voice." You go on explaining things.
"Y/n, calm down. I've got this." He says stopping you from talking.
"Thank you so much Fred."
"My pleasure. Now where's the little devil." He says and turns to Roger with the baby.
"Oooh. You look nice to Rog." He says taking Lily from His arms.
"Nice? Is that all I get?"
"Rog you look amazing." You butt in from the kitchen.
"Thanks my love." He says giving Freddie a squint eye.
"Y/n you're supposed to be on my side." Freddie laughs as you walk back into the room.
"I'm not on anybodys side. I love you both... But anyway. You'll be gone by the time we're back right?"
"Yes dear. Wouldn't want to walk in on you both." He jokes.

After 5 minutes of preparing things for Lily, you soon are ready to leave.

"Right. Shall we go?" Roger asks.
"Yes. Thanks again Fred. We appreciate it."
"No problem. I love spending time with her. Now go and have a great time."
"Thanks Fred." Roger says as you leave the appartment.

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