Dating I Guess

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"How are you feeling?"
You awake to voices around you.

It was Brian.
He was standing with his hands in his pockets whilst talking to Roger.

You were in Rogers arms.
Lying on his chest, with his arm around your shoulder.

When Brian noticed you were awake, he pointed at you and smiled.

"Morning sleepy head." Brian said.
"Morning Brian. Thanks for helping me get him here last night."
"No bother. If you need anything else let me know. Same goes for you Rog."
"Thanks Bri." Roger says as you sit up.
He shuffles over so you sit beside him.
"Are you ok?" You ask Roger.
"Yeah love. Just a headache. The doctor said I can leave later today. Just a few more tests and whatever."
"Good. I'll tidy up the mess to."
"I can do that. I have nothing to do." Brian says.
"You don't have to."
"I insit. It's the least I can do."
"Thank you so much. The keys are on the chair."
"Right well I'll see you later."
"Thanks again Brian."
"Thanks Bri."
"No problem."

He leaves the room, leaving the two of you sat in silence.

"You didn't deserve what that dick did to you. I'm sorry."
"Y/n it's not your fault. I should have kept my mouth shut."
"That's not the point. He hurt you."
You begin to cry.
"But I'm ok love."
"He could have killed you."
You begin to cry even more, and he pulls you into his arms.
"Hey love don't cry. I know it could have been worse, but it isn't."
You continue to cry, whilst he plays with your hair and kisses your forehead.

"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you to." You say and squeeze him tightly.

"Right. Mr. Taylor you are free to go." You were interrupted by a doctor.
"What about the tests?" He asks.
"All clear and you don't need anymore. Just rest for a few days and if you feel sick it's totally normal."
"Thank you."

The doctor leaves, and you help Roger up from the bed.
He puts his clothes on and you leave, forgetting you haven't got a car.

"Shit what do we do?" You ask.
"We can walk."
"Will you be ok?"
"Yes, now come on."

You begin to walk, beginning in silence.

"Can I hold your hand?" He asks.
"Sure." You say with a smile and he takes your hand in his.
He kisses your cheek which causes you to chuckle.

"So. Are we like dating now or?" He asks.
"Yeah. If you want to be. So not officiall yet."
"Yeah. I like that."
"Me to."

When you arrive home, Brian had just finished cleaning.

"You're home early." Brian says standing up.
"Hi Brian thank you so much you're a god send." You say and hug him.
"My pleasure. It wasn't that bad."
"Thank you Bri. Tell the others I won't be coming to practise tomorrow ok?" Roger says closing the door.
"You can tell them yourself. They're coming over soon."
"Right then I better get in the shower."
"I'll have one after you." You say.
"I'll cook us all dinner. And for Fred and John." Brian says entering the kitchen.
"Brian you're an angel thank you." You say heading to your room.
"No bother."

After you and Roger cleaned yourself up, you sat on the sofa talking waiting on the others.

"Roger darling how are you?" Freddie asked walking in through the door.
"Much better Fred. Hi John."
John walked in through the door behind Fred and greeted Brian.

"And how are you feeling?" Fred asked sitting beside you.
"Tired. But I wanted to be with Roger."
Brian and John joined you on the floor.
You sat for a while talking and laughing.

"Dinners ready. I'll bring it through." Brian says opening the oven.
"Ooh. I'll chose the film." Freddie says.

He puts on 'Some like it hot.'
And you all are susprisingly ok with it.
Brian brings the food through and you all sit and eat whilst watching the film.

"Delicious Brian." You say once you'd finished.
"Good." He smiles.

Freddie pulls the popcorn and sweets out from a bag and hands them out.

Roger pulls you onto his chest so you can watch the film more comfortably.

"Are you guys a thing now?" Freddie asks.
"Not officially. But dating I guess." Roger says rubbing your back.
"You should just become a couple. You know everything about each other."
"You're not wrong Fred. But we need to get used to it." Roger says.
"Fair enough. You're really cute together." John says.
You both laugh and watch the rest of the film in silence.
Roger occasionally whispering things in your ear.

But overall you felt happier.
It all happened so quickly yet to be here with him and the others was so comforting.

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