Thanks Fred

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"Morning my beautiful fiancé." Roger said as you woke up, wrapped tightly in his arms.
"Morning my love."
He kisses your face; entirely, causing you to chuckle.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asks, tucking his head into your neck.
"Erm. Depends what you have in mind."
"Well, we could either skip breakfast and stay in bed." He says lifting his head up and winking at you, "Or I could make pancakes then we go and pick Lily up."
"Oh I'd love to do the first one but we can't leave Lily with Fred all day."
"You're right." He says and gets up, "I'll be in the kitchen love."

Before he leaves, he kisses you one more time.
You stop him from letting go, hoping he would come back to bed.

"Hmm. Lily!" He says letting go and putting his pyjama bottoms on.

You groan and throw your head into the pillow as he chuckles and leaves the room.

You leave the bedroom, yawning as you walk over to Roger in the kitchen.

"Awe. Tired?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You nodd and hug him, placing your arms around his torso.

"Go back to bed, my love. I'll bring them to you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes gorgeous." He says, tenderly lifting your chin and kissing your neck.
"Okay." You whisper soflty and kiss him again.

You return back to bed, but decide to call Fred from the phone in your room.

"Hello Freddie speaking!"
"Hi Fred."
"Ah! Y/n. How was last night?"
"Amazing, a lot of sex but I won't get into details."
"Oh do!" He said cockily.
You chuckle.
"How's Lily?"
"She's great! Slept all throughout the night. I even wrote a song about her but I won't give and spoilers. Do you want me to drop her off early afternoon?"
"If you wouldn't mind Fred."
"No bother. I'll get her ready."
"You're a star!"
"Darling I know! Go and and enjoy Roger!"
You laugh.
"I will Fred. See you later!"
"Bye Dear."

You put the phone down and creep into bed again.
You turn the TV on and pull the covers up to your chin thinking about last night.

You were ingajed.
And to such a beautiful man who treated you like an angel.
It was almost inevitable.

Then you remembered your parents.
You've tried to communicate with them but they wouldn't answer the phone.

They have a granddaughter and a future son-in-law and they didn't even know about it.

"Here my love." Roger said entering the room, blocking your thoughts.
"Are you ok love? You look sad."
"Yeah. Just. Thinking."
"About what?"
"Parents. The engagement. Lily. You."
"My love please don't worry about small things. I'm fine. Lily's fine. Our engagement is fine. And your parents will soon come around."
"I know but. What if they don't?"
"Y/n! Stop it! Eat your pancakes."
"Thanks love."

He hands you the pancakes and leaves the room and comes back with his own pancakes and syrup.

"Want some?" He says gesturing the syrup to you.
"Yeah please."

You reach to take the bottle but he does it for you.

After an hour of eating (and ending up naked again) you both decided to have a shower and get dressed.

"Can I join you?" He asks with a smirky grin.
"Sure." You respond rolling your eyes.

He quickly shoots up and follows you into the bathroom where you no doubt end up pressed against the wall with his lips locked on yours.

"I love all this sex." You say putting a top on.
"Me to." He smirks.
You chuckle and finish getting dressed.

"Oh and when Fred comes, can we keep the engagement a secret? Just for now?"
"Of course love. Is he dropping Lily of?"
"Yeah. I called him earlier."
"Ok love."

You leave the bedroom, Roger soon following.

"What time will he be here?" He asked.
"Erm. He said early afternoon. I think he's enjoying spending time with Lily."
"I can tell. Don't blame him, she's adorable."
"Just like her father." You say with a grin.
He kisses you.
"Meh. You're cuter."
"Don't argue with me love."

He gives you a look which makes you laugh.

"Rog we need more food. I'm gonna go to the shop do you want to come with me?"
"Erm. I'll stay back and tidy the house. Don't be to long love."
"I won't don't worry. Is there anything you want in particular?"
"No love I'm ok."
"Ok. I'll be back in an hour or so."
"Bye love."
"Bye Rog."

You go to the shop choosing to take the car instead of walk.

After buying all the essentials, you returned home.

"Hi Y/n!" Freddie said sitting on the sofa.
"Hi Fred. Hi Rog."
"Hi my love." Roger replied turning around with Lily in his arms.
"Hi baby!" You squealed as Lily noticed you and opened her arms with a smile on her face.
Roger smiled as you placed the bags on the floor and walked over to him taking Lily from his arms.
"Thank you so much Fred for looking after her."
"My pleasure. She was great. If you ever need a baby sitter please call me."
"I will Fred. Do you want to stay for a drink?"
"No thank you dear. Roger made me a coffee. I best be of. I'll see you tomorrow Rog. Y/n come down if your free it would be nice for you to see us record."
"Ok well I'll see as my professor wants to talk about my graduation."
"Oh right! Good luck on that."
"Thanks Fred. I'll see you later."
"Bye Fred thanks again."
"No problem!" He says and leaves the house.

"I missed you." You say and kiss her cheek.
She speaks jibbersih and wiggles in excitement.

Roger walks over and kisses your cheek.
"I'll put the shopping away love."
"I'll help you."

As you're putting the shopping away after placing Lily on the play mat in the living room, you look over to her casually watching cartoons.

"I can't believe she's 2 months already." You say.
Roger puts what he was holding away and walks over to you, placing his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.
"I know. Time flies."
"It really does."
"Wonder when she'll say her first words."
"Maybe soon. I don't know. To be honest I have no idea how to raise a baby."
'You've done a pretty good job so far my love. Don't worry about it. My parents are here to help us."
"I know. But I don't want to rely on them."
"My love. Everything will be fine." He says and kisses your neck.

He hugs you tighter and then let's go putting the rest of the shopping away, with your help.

Once you've finished, you sit on the couch, Roger picking Lily up and kissing her cheek.

He sits down beside you and keeps Lily on his lap.

You shuffle closer to the both of them, resting your head on his shoulder.


Here I sit, my fiancé resting her head on my shoulder with my arm around her playing with her hair.
And my daughter, sat on my lap watching the cartoons with her hand wrapped around my thumb.

I have all I need right infront of me.

Yet there's something missing.

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