The Gender

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Alot happened during your pregnancy.

Smile turned into Queen.
Queen released their first album which you were very fond of.

Roger was treating you like an angel which you loved him for and your baby bump grew even bigger.

"Are you ready for the scan?" Roger asked from the kitchen.
"Yeah love just need to put my shoes on."
"No I will." He said stopping you from bending over.
"I can still tie my shoe lases you know."
"But I don't want the baby to get hurt."
"You're to cute, but it won't."
"Dont want to risk it... Come on let's go."

He takes you by the hand and you leave the apartment.

When you arrive at the hospital, you sit and wait for a few minutes until the doctor calls you in.

"So, would you like to know the gender?"
You look over to Roger.
He shrugs his shoulders.

Great help.

"Yes. Yes please."
"Ok. Could you please lay down on the chair."

You do so, and the doctor applys the cold jelly stuff onto your stomach.

Roger looks at you with excitement in his eyes as he holds your hand.

The baby is big enough to see it's body now.
You can see it's hands and eyes which makes this seem far to real.

"Well, congratulations. You're having a girl."

You look at Roger with excitement.
He squeezes your hand gently.

"A girl." You whisper.
He nodds.
"What will you call her?" He asks.
"I haven't thought of names yet. Can you help me decide?"
"If you'd like me to."
You nodd.
He kisses your cheek.

"Would you like pictures?" The doctor asks.
"Yes please." You say wiping the few tears from your eyes.

Now you're left alone in the room with Roger.

"It's a girl my love. Are you happy?" He asks moving closer to you.
"Yeah. It's becoming real now."
"I bet. But you can do this my love."
"I hope so."
"I know so... Now let me look closer at this baby." He smiles walking over to the monitor.

He analysed the baby.
Occasionally pointing.

It's sad he doesn't know.


My love.
I know.

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