Breakfast And A New Beginning

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You awoke the next morning lying on Rogers chest.
The boys were around you, all sleeping.

The TV was on and Roger was rubbing your back gently.

You lifted your head and he looked at you with a smile.

"Morning." He whispers.
"Morning. How are you feeling?"
"Great. No headache. I feel as fresh as a daisy."
You chuckle as you rest your head back on his chest.
He kissed the top of your head, squeezing you tightly.

A few minutes past and the others had awoke, yawining and stretching.

"Can we go out for breakfast?" Roger asked.
"Yes! Saves washing up for me." You say kissing his cheek.
"Good idea. What time?" John asks.
"Whenever we're all ready."
"Do you mind if I take a shower?" Freddie asked.
"Not at all Fred. You guys can to if you want to." You say getting of Roger.
"Thanks Y/n." Brian said.
"Yeah thank you." John added.

And hour or two past and you all had finished getting ready.
Roger lended the boys some clothes which made you laugh.

"What?" Freddie asked giggling.
"You look so funny in Rogers clothes. It suits you all but Brian you're a bit to tall." You Laugh as Roger places his arm around your waist.
"Let's go before I get back into my clothes." Brian says leaving the apartment.

You followed, locking the door.

"Any requests on where to go?" You ask.
"There's the cafe down the road?" Roger replied.
"Are you up for that?" You say looking at the other three.
They agreed and then it was decided to walk as it wasn't so far from your apartment.

"Y/n, can I talk to you later in private?" Roger Whispered in your ear.
"Yeah, is everything ok?" You Whispered back.
He nodded in response, so you smiled.

You arrived at the cafe sitting down in between Roger and John.

"What can I get you?" The waitress asked.
"I'll have scrambled eggs on toast and a glass of water." You say.
"I'll have a bacon sandwich and a coffee with 1 3/7th sugars." Roger said.
"Right?" The waitress said confused.
You and the others chuckled whilst Roger sat giving you all a death stare.
"I'll have a crossaint with a cup of tea please." Freddie said.
"I'll have cheese on toast with a coffee please." John said with an adorable smile.
"And I'll just have a coffee." Brian said as the waitress took your menus.
"That will be ready in around half and hour."
"Thank you." You say as she walks away.
"1 and 3/7th sugars?" Freddie asks.
"Yeah. What?" Roger says confused.
"He's always done it and it still makes me laugh." You say through giggles.
"How do you even work that out?" Freddie asked.
Roger shrugged whilst you sat in laughter.

The food soon arrived and you ate rather as you were hungry.

It was nice to sit and get to know the others.
But what Roger wanted to say was on your mind the entire time.
You were concerned and confused but kept it hidden.

When you left, the boys decided to practise for their show on the weekend.

"Y/n are you coming?" Fred asked.
"Please." Roger said with a pout.
"Yeah sure." You smiled.
"Great. We'll take my car." Brian said as you were more or less outside the apartment block.

You jump into Brians car, sitting next to Roger.

"When can we talk?" You Whispered over the music.
"Not now but when we're alone." He replied placing his hand in yours.

Freddie and Brian were singing in the front seats and it made you laugh the entire car journey there.
Soon, you all were singing songs but it ended when you arrived.

"Great singing boys!" You say through laughter as you enter the building.
Their response was in laughter.

You sat watching the boys rehearse sometimes they asked you for your opinion which was always took into consideration.
Roger would sometimes come and sit next you when Freddie and Brian were arguing.

Around 5-6 hours later, rehearsals finished and you and Roger were finally alone.

"So what did you want to say?"
"Follow me. I'm going to take you somewhere."
He took your arm and you walked for around 10-20 minutes, when soon you arrived at the beach.

"Sit with me, let's talk." He said sitting on the sand.
You sat down, close to him as he placed his arm around your waist.
You put your head on his shoulder and asked one more time what he wanted to say.
"Are we moving to fast? I don't want to force you into anything and you just broke up with Cameron so if it's all to fast let me know."
"Roger what are you talking about? We're not moving fast at all. I'm happy knowing that we're closer you know. I love you, I really do and if anything I think we're moving slow. But then we need to get closer in a relationship way not just friends."
"So you don't feel preassured or uncomfortable?"
"Not at all."
He kisses your cheek.
"Do you feel happy with this to?"
"Yes, yes. Just as long as your happy."
He smiles at you.
And slowly, you move your head to his, placing your lips onto his.
He responds by kissing back and moving closer to you.

"Shall we go home?" You wink.
"Yes." He says with an eager look in his eyes.

You walk back home, hand in hand.
Your paces speed up with the eagerness to take each others clothes of.

When you finally reach your apartment, before you can even put the keys down, Roger had his lips locked on yours.
His hands on your waist and yours around his neck.

You throw the keys onto the floor, as he guides you into his room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

You nodd and kiss him again.

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