Food Shopping Pt. 2

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You come home with enough food to last a few weeks.

"Hi my love." You say entering the house with the shopping bags.
"Here let me help." He says taking 2 bags off of you whsilt holding the baby.
He kisses your cheek and smirks.
"Showing of I see." You say closing the door.
"No." He says whsilt smiling.

You laugh and follow him to the kitchen where you put all the bags onto the counter.
You then take the baby from his arms.

"How was she?"
"Great. She might be hungry though."
"Yeah well put a shirt on she ain't getting anything from those." You laugh.
He joins in and opens his mouth as if he's offended.
"Oh come on you love me really!"
"You know I do." You say and kiss him.
Lily gets hold of your hair again.
"Ouch!" You say as Roger untangle your hair from her little fingers.
"Why doesn't she do that you?" You ask.
He shrugs his shoulders.
"She loves me." He jokes.
You hit his arm.
"Yeah well I don't."
"What?" He asks with panic is his eyes.
"I'm only joking. You panicked though."
"Because I love you." He says with a sympathetic tone.
"Aweee." You say and lightly kiss him.
"Now I'm going to feed her." You say and walk away to sit on the sofa.
"Ooh can I watch?"
"Hah knew you'd ask That."
"What else was I suppose to say?"
You shrugg.
"I'm only joking." He says and sits beside you.
You look at him trying to laugh as you've already started breast-feeding her.
"Fuck off Roger." You joke and hit his arm playfully.
He laughs and draws his eyes to the television.
You move yourself closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Yeah love?"
"Do you think we ought to take her to my parents?"
"It's up to you. Is it worth leaving it for a while? You know. Wait until they do something?"
"Yeah I guess." You sigh.

He puts his arm around you.

Soon, you've finished breast-feeding.
You had her to Roger so you can put your bra back on.
"Sexy." He jokes watching you.
You laugh.
"Can you help me put the shopping away?" You ask entering the kitchen.
"Yeah love. I'll put Lily to bed first."

He comes back out again, and smiles at you as he walks into the kitchen.

"You're a god send Rog. Thank you."
"You're welcome." He says and pulls you into his arms.
"I love you." He says kissing your forehead.
"I love you to." You respond, "But can I please put the milk in the fridge?"
He laughs.
"Yes gorgeous."

You laugh and do so.

He helps put the rest of the shopping away.

He sits on the sofa with one arm resting across the back of it.
You sit next to him, resting your head on his arm.
He pulls you closer.

"Peace at last." You say.
"She'll be awake soon. Don't jynx it."
"Don't worry. I won't." You look up at him, but he's already looking at you.
"You're beautiful." You say.
"You're beautifuler."
"No. You are."
You sit up and look at him.
"No Rog. You're literally perfect. You're pretty in the face. Talented. Smart. You're so fucking helpful and generous."
"But so are you."
"Hardly... You pull it of better than me." You say falling back into his arm.
He takes his other arm and strokes the top of your head.
"My love. You are sheer perfection. Beautiful inside and out. You're a great mother. You're loyal. And everything in between. Don't argue with me because you know I'd win. So don't answer back or say anything at all."
He leans his head down and kisses your forehead.
You push yourself backwards feeling his breath on the back of your neck.
"I mean it." He whispers then kisses your neck.
"Ugh. Has it been 2 months yet?" You ask.
"Nope unfortunately. We'll have to keep waiting."
"I don't want to anymore."
He laughs and proceeds to kiss you.
"Stop. You're turning me on."
He laughs and does it again but you move your head.
"I said stop!" You laugh, "Put the TV on."
"Why love? I was enjoying that."
"I can tell. Just do as your told."
"Yes ma'am." He jokes.

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