Our Baby Girl

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"How are you feeling?" Roger asked sitting beside you as you were laying down in the hospital bed.
"Meh. Just nervous."
"Are you excited though?"
"Yeah. A little. More scared."
"I bet. But I'll help you. I won't ever leave."
"I know you won't. And I love you for it."

After a few hours, the doctors came in and told you it was time.

The nerves flooded your body and your eyes began to tear up.
Roger held your hand and kneeled down beside you.

"You're going to have to push ok. 1...2...3..." The doctor said beginning the pushing.

You felt the pain rush through your entire body, feeling as if it was lasting forever.
You gripped tightly to Rogers hand squeezing him with all your power and might.
"You can do this my love." He whispered.
You shook your head.

Then suddenly, it stopped.

You heard crying.
A babys cry.

The midwife walked over to you.
"Congratulations on your baby girl."
She placed her onto your chest.

You looked at Roger who smiled at you.

You looked back at your baby, who you and Roger were both looking at.

She was cute.

Looked like Roger.

That's when you knee it wasn't going to be easy to keep this a secret.

The midwife took her away to messaure and clean.

You were left alone, feeling tired and hot.

Roger placed his hand on your hair and began to gently caress your forehead with his thumb.

"You did it beautiful. I'm proud of you." He whispered kissing your cheek.
"I couldn't have done it without you."
"Yes you could have."
"No." You laugh.
"She's beautiful. Just like you, you know."
"Y- Nevermind." You looked away.
"Here you are. She's a healthy baby." The midwife said interupting your conversation.
"Thank you." You say taking her into your arms.

Roger walks over again, kneeling beside you again.
You looked down at her little face.
Sweet and innocent.
A smile appeared on your face after a few seconds.


I took my top of as I was hot.
Not important but I'm trying to distract myself.

Is she mine?

"Do you want to hold her?" She asked me.


The nerves.

"Yes love."

She placed her into my arms.

I stood up.

Her skin against mine.

There she was.
A little baby who I was potentially the father to.
She did look like me.
She had my nose.
But I could be wrong.

But then, her little hand took hold of my finger.
I lifted her up a little.
Looking at her entire face.

And that's when I knew she was mine.

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