Dress Shopping

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"Do you ever think we would move into a house?" Roger asked.
"Yeah love. I'd like to before we got married but with money, it's complicated."
"We'll be fine for money love. What with the band and your books."
"I hope so."
"Speaking of books, have you finished it yet?"
"Nearly love. I can't wait for you to read it, I love it so much."
"I'm excited to. The boys want to read it to."
"Well, once I get it published, and copies get sent to me. You will have a copy and so will the boys."
"Ooooh, I'm even more excited now."
You chuckle as he kisses your cheek.

Lily knocks over her juice onto the carpet.
"Woh!" You say and pick her up as she begins to cry.
"Ahh I'll get the cleaning Shit love." Roger said placing his coffee on the coffee table.
"Thanks love."
You begin to wipe the juice of off Lily.
"Hey! Don't cry beautiful, it's ok!" You say calming her down.

Just then someone knocks on the door.

"Agh! That's Fred. We're going dress shopping for the wedding." You say with a stressed out tone, having forgotten about it.
"Gorgeous calm down. You go and I'll clean up. Leave Lily with me."
"Are you sure my love?"
"Yes! Now go and answer the door." He says taking Lily from your arms.

You kiss him and answer the door.

"Hi Freddie!"
"Hi darling how are you?"
"I'm well thank you. How are you?"
"Good, I'm good thank you. Are you ready?"
"Nearly, come in, I just have to get my bag."
"Ok dear."

He walks in and begins a conversation with Roger.
You don't hear what they're discussing as you're to busy finding your bag.

"Found it." You mutter and enter the room again, "I'll see you later Rog. Thanks for cleaning up."
"You're welcome my love. I'll get her cleaned then take her to the park for the day."
"She'll love that." You say with a smile and kiss her cheek, then him on the lips.

"Bye Roger! Bye Lily." Freddie says, first to leave the apartment.
"Bye Fred. Bye my love enjoy yourself!"
"I will! Bye gorgeous."

You leave the apartment and see John in the passenger seat and Rogers mother in the back of the car.

You climb into the back seat and exchange greetings.

"How's Roger and Lily?" His mother asks before arriving outside the dress shop.
"Yeah they're fine. Rogers so helpful he's a dream."
She chuckles.
"Is he up to anything with her today?" John asked.
"He said he'd take her to the park which would be nice."

A few minutes later, you enter the dress shop.

"Hi! How can I help you?" The lady said as you entered the shop.
"Hi! I was wondering if I could try on some wedding dresses?"
"Yes of course! Is there anything you're looking for in particular?"
"Erm. I like long sleeved dresses and ones that aren't slim fit."
"Ok well, we have a few options so you can follow me."

After 10-20 minutes, you found 3 dresses.

John, Fred and Roger mum waited on a small sofa for you to come out and show the dresses.

The first dress, long sleeved with almost a velvet feeling to it.

It wasn't nice.

The second dress, was another long sleeved, but far to long and gave you no shape.

It wasn't nice.

The last dress, white, long sleeved, perfect length, silky touch, perfect.
It looked beautiful, perfect.

Everyone looked at you in shock.

"Y/n!" Freddie said, "It's beautiful."
"It really is." Rogers mum then John agreed.
"I think it's the one!" You say.

25 minutes later, you leave with the wedding dress.

Rogers mum paid for it making sure no one else could.

You thanked her and nearly cried as it was becoming more real now.

You wanted to show Roger so badly but you couldn't.

So it stayed with Rogers mum until the special day.

"I'm home!" You say chirpy.
"Ooh someone's happy. Wheres the dress?"
"Your mum is keeping it so I don't show you. It's beautiful, you'll love it."
"I'll love you in anything. I'll love you more with nothing." He smirks.
You chuckle and sit down beside him, where he kisses you pasdionatley.
"Where's Lily?"
"Did you take her to the park?"
"Yeah. We had a great time. Tired her out though. She was so adorable."
You admire his joy in his tone.
"Awe. I love you." You say kissing him again.
"I love you more." He says and lays you down on the sofa, climbing on top of you (still kissing you of course)

"Can we just cuddle?" You ask as he kisses your neck.
"Yes baby." He says kissing you one more time.

He sits you up, then pulls you ontop of him rubbing your back.

"I love you so much." You say as your eyes stay put onto the TV.
"I know my love. I love you to." He says kissing the top of your head.

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