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"Lily's asleep." You say closing the bedroom door.

Roger was lying onto of your bed with his arms behind his head.

You sigh, walking over to your side of the bed.

"I'm glad it's out in the open." You say sitting down, taking your clothes of to put pyjamas on.

"Me to love." He sits up and takes his clothes of, leaving him in his boxers.
He then climbs under the covers and sits himself up with his arm out for you.

You finish putting your pyjamas on and climb into bed beside him.
You kiss him as you do so.

"Your lips are soft." You chuckle, cuddling into his arm.
He lifts your chin with his finger and kisses you again.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." You say letting go from the kiss.
"What love."
"I've finished all my Uni work. So basically I've graduated."
"Awe. Congrats gorgeous." He says and hugs you, "So what do you do now?"
"I don't know. I'll keep working at the cafe. When I get of maternity leave of course... What about you. You committing to this band?"
"I think so. I don't want to be a dentist. I like being a drummer."
"Well you're good at it to. So what are you going to do?"
"Quit my studies? I don't know yet love. I'll just worry about you and baby for now."
"Everything will work out the way it's supposed to."
"Yes. You're correct."

You sit in silence for a second, stilling in his arms.

"Would you become and English teacher?" He asked tucking your hair behind your ears.
"Mmm. No. I love kids but I'd rather write books."
"Are you still writing the non-fiction and fiction ones or have you decided yet one or the other?"
"I've decided on both. I love history and fictional stories."
"Can I read them you publish them?"
"Of course! I've got a draft for one of you want to read it?"
"Yeah." He nodds.

You reach over to your bedside table and open the door.
Next to your typewriter is a folder with all of your work.

You put it on the bed, where Roger lifts it up and flicks through the pages.

"Erm. It's at the back. That's my uni stuff." You inform him.

He pulls you closer into his arms.

Then he picks the glasses up from his bedside table just to seem for sophisticated.
You chuckle and rest your hand on his shoulder, putting your chin on your hand.

After around 10-20 minutes of reading, he says, "My love this is brilliant. I'm hooked all ready when's it being published?"
You laugh.
"Not anytime soon. Haven't got a name or a plot. This was just random."
"Well it's good. Better than good. Amazing! You have some talent you know."

He closes the folder and hands it back to you.

"Thanks handsome." You say and quickly kiss him before putting the folder back into the cupboard.

He turns the lamp of and you cuddle up under the covers.
He wrapps his arms around you, like a hug from behind and kisses the back of your head.

"If the baby wakes up, I'll get it." He says.
"No love. You do enough for me and her."
"Oh but I insist." He pouts.
You chuckle, pulling his arms further around you.

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