Baby Bumb

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"Morning beautiful. How are you feeling?" Roger asked as he pulled you closer to his chest.
"Tired." You say placing your head into the pillow.
"I wonder why!" Roger said with a smirk.
You laughed knowing what had happened last night.

He placed his chin on your shoulder and began to rub your arm with his hand.

"We're meeting the boys today."
"Ugh. I love them but I'm to tired for that shit. Can you call them and ask if they can just come round for the evening?"
"If you want me to love."

You nodd closing your eyes again.
He kisses your cheek and leaves the room.

10 minutes later, you get up and leave the room in grey joggers and a small croptop.

"My love!" Roger shouted excitedly.
"What is it?"
"You have a baby bumb."

You looked down noticing a small bumb.

"Oh. Already!"
"You don't seem to happy about it."
"Meh. Just nervous about it all."
"You'll be fine my love. And you have me to help you."
"I know. And I love you for it." You say kissing him gently.

You let go, but stayed in his arms.

"The boys said that they're happy to come round instead. And they said they'd bring food."
"Awe. Bless them. I love them so much."
"More than me?" Roger said jokinly.
"Of course not. But I love you in a different way."

He kisses your neck.

"Oh and I told them to wear comfy clothes so you don't need to dress up."
"I wasn't going to anyway. Are you staying in that?" You ask pointing to Rogers baggy checked trousers and no shirt.
"Right well then I'll stay in this."
"You still look beautiful so I don't see why not."
"You're so adorable." You say kissing him again.
"I know." He smirks.
You laugh.
"I'll set the sofas up and put blankets on the floor. Then I'll get the films."
"No you won't. Your pregnant, you need to rest."
"Oh please I can stil-"
"I said no. Sit down."
He quickly kissed your cheek and left the room, whilst you went to get some water.

5 minutes later, he came back, with a blanket in one arm and a pile of dvds in the other.
"Why aren't you sat down?" He asked.
"I was getting a drink."

He rolls his eyes jokingly, causing you to laugh.
He then walks over to the sofa and sets it up neatly for you and the boys to chill.
He puts the dvds on the floor and lays down on one part of the sofa.

"Comfy?" You ask.
"I would be if you were on me."
You laugh, "I will join you when the boys get here."
He groans.

Just after 5 minutes, the doorbell rang.

"Hi boys!"
"Y/n darling how are you. And the baby of course." Freddie asked hugging you.
"I'm great Fred and the babys fine. Come in come in."

You greet the other two as they walk in, carrying bags of food and drink.

"You ok there rog?" John asked.
"Yep." He says with a cocky smile.
Brian laughs at the sight of a shirtless. Roger plastered across the sofa.

"Get comfy boys, we've got alot of films to watch." You say as Roger sits himself up a little.
You climb In between his legs resting your head on his chest.

Freddie Joins you in the corner,his arms opened wide on the back of the sofa.
John sits beside him, covering his legs with the blanket.
Brian chose to sit on the floor and so he Rested there.

You spent the first few hours talking whilst the film was on.
They asked about the baby and you talked about the band.

Roger would play with your hair as you spoke.
He would admire every aspect of your face.
Then his eyes would draw to your baby bumb.
And that question still remains

Was the baby his?

After you had eaten and watched about 6 films, you all decided to go on a walk.

You and Roger at the back and the others walking infront.

Your hand was placed in his and occasionally he'd kiss your forehead or your cheek.

You took in the peace and the fresh air as you listened to the chattering between the boys.

"Will you have a baby shower?" Brian asked.
"um. I don't know. Probably not I hate that shit."
"Why? It would be cute." John asked.
"Time. Money. Everything you know. And my parents won't be there. They've probably told my entire family by now so they won't want to come. I hardly have any friends other than you guys." You say beginning to cry.
Roger pulls you into his arms.

"Shit. I'm sorry Y/n. For bringing that up."
"Don't be. Just hormones." You say wiping your tears away.
"Are you ok my love?" Roger asked squeezing your wasit then kissing your temple.
"Yes I'm ok."

"Roger your so sympathetic when your around her. It must be true love." Freddie jokes.
"It is. I love her."
"Y/n when he's not around you, he turns all alpha." John laughs.

Freddie, John and Brian began to make fun of Roger, doing impressions of him.

You looked up at him and whispered
"You're my everything. I love you Roger."
He kissed your cheek.
"I love you to."

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