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"My love wake up! We can go home now." Roger said leaning over you, removing the hair from your face.
"Huh? Where's the baby?"
"I got her dressed and she's in the car seat."
You look over to see her wrapped up in a blanket and sleeping peacefully.
"Awe. Your a god send."
"Anything for you and the baby. How are you feeling?"
"Tired. I need to go home and get some more sleep."
"Well put your clothes on then you can. I'll carry the baby down. Do you mind taking the bags?"
"Not at all."

You put your clothes on and then pick the bags up.

"Ready?" He asks.

You say goodbye to the midwifes and the doctors thanking them for their help.

You help Roger put the car seat in struggling the first few times.
Finally, you sit in the passanger seat of the car beside Roger.

You sigh.

"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. Stressed. I'm not ready to raise a child."
"Y/n don't stress over this. You can do this."
"Really? because I struggled to put a car seat in and she's not even a day old."
He laughs.
You join in.

"It will be ok. Now I'll take you home." He says and kisses your cheek.

When you get home, Roger puts all the baby's clothes away as you breast feed her.

You then put her to her to bed in the crib.

Roger stands beside you as you both look down on her.

"She is beautiful." He says placing his hand around your waist and resting his head on the side of yours.
"I know... Thank you for everything."
You say turning your head and kissing him.
"Ugh to bad I can't fuck you for 2 months."
You laugh.
"Patience is key my love."
He scoffs.
"I'm not patient enough... Hey Where's your necklace?"
"I've still got it on." You say pulling it out from under your shirt, "I kept it on when I gave birth."
He kisses your forehead and pulls you into his arms.

"What are we going to do?" You ask.
"About what?"
"My parents?"
"We'll have to talk them. Speaking of parents, mine are coming round later to see you and the baby. If you don't mind."
"Not at all. I'll just take a nap and then get showered."
"Ok love. I'll do the cooking."
"You're fucking amazing. I love you." You say guiding him out of the room.
"I love you more. So much more." He kisses you and proceeds to the kitchen.

You go to the bedroom and throw yourself onto the bed.
Soon, you fall asleep again.

3 hours later you wake up to the smell of something cooking.

You leave the room to find Roger shirtless (Again) bouncing the baby in his arms whilst Stiring something in a pan.
"That smells good what you making?" You say walking over to him as the baby smiles away.
"Spaghetti bolognaise. It's all we had."
"Yummy. I'll go shopping tomorrow. You can stay home with the baby."
"I will gladly do so." He says kissing her nose.
"You look hot like that; Half naked with a baby in your arms." You say heading to the bathroom.
He chuckles placing his tounge between his teeth like he does when he laughs.
"I'm going to take a shower! Thanks again Rog."
"Ok love. I would join ya but I've got a baby in my arms." He jokes.
"You can have one after me." You laugh closing the door.

"Agh." You say leaving the bathroom.
"Feel better for that?" He asks.
"Yep. I'll quickly put some clothes on then you can freshen up."
"Don't rush love."
"I won't."

You put a dress on which you hadn't warn in years.
Even though your baby bumb was still there, it fit.

"Jesus! You look beautiful. Right after having a baby?"
"Oh please. Here, go and get showered." You say taking the baby from his arms and kissing her forehead.

She pulls on your hair which you don't seem to mind.
The comfort of knowing she's ok was a distraction.

"Now. How do I tell your father that your his daughter?" You whisper.
She looks up into your eyes.
"I take that as a sign I should."
"What you talking about?" He asks leaving the bathroom.
"Nothing. Baby stuff."
He nodds and proceeds to the bedroom.

10 minutes later, he comes out in black trousers and a black shirt, half buttoned as usual.
He even put his necklaces on.

"You look hot." You smirk.
"And so do you." He says kissing you.
"Can I get her dressed?" He asks.
"You finish the dinner and I'll get her ready."
"Ok love. Put that outift on I got her with the purple flowers."
"I will." You say entering her bedroom.

You put her in the outift that Roger had suggested.

"Aweee there's my two angels! She looks amazing!"
"You chose well. It's a beautiful outfit."
"It looks even better on!" He says taking her from your arms.

He finished dishing the dinner up whilst holding her.
It showed how much he cared and wanted to be with her.
He treated her like she was his own.
Even when not knowing that she was.
It made you feel even more guilty.

"What time will they be here?" You asked.
"Um. Anytime now. Sit down and rest my love."
"I think you should rest. You've done more than me."
"Fine. We'll both rest."

He gently guides you to the sofa and sits you down.
He sits beside you and you open your arms out for the baby.
He hands her to you and then turns the TV on.

"This is nice." You say resting your head on his shoulder as he places his arm around your shoulder.
"Yep it is."

Now would have been the perfect time to tell him.

But you didn't.

Then, the dorrbell rang.

"They're here!" He says getting up and opening the door.
"Hi Roger! Where's the baby?" His mum says excitedly.

You stand up as she spots you with the baby in your arms.
"Aweeee. Oh my she's beautiful. Y/n!"
You laugh as you place the baby in her arms.
His dad walks over and hugs you.
"She's gorgeous Y/n congratulations. We bought you some flowers and a couple of baby toys."
"Thank you so much! You shouldn't have."
"Oh don't be ridiculous."

The evening flew by.
You ate, laughed, talked about the baby ect.
It only made you feel guilty that they didn't know they were grandparents.

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