First Birthday

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Queen released 'Sheer Heart Attack.'
You were very fond of it and liked to consider it to be your favourite by far.

Freddie soon told you about the song he wrote about Lily which was called 'Lily Of The Valley.'
Definitely your favourite from the album, besides 'Tenement Funster' of course.

Lily said her first word.
It was "Roger", which made you laugh.

Roger told you about a concert in the 24th November at the Rainbow.

You were excited as it would be the first big concert you'd get to see them perform at.

Lily was going to be there to.

But now, you and Roger were preparing presents for lily's first birthday the following day.

"Are the boys coming over?" You asked placing all the presents on the floor by the bedroom door.
"Yes love. They insisted." Roger Grinned As he climbed into bed.

You chuckled and soon joined him.
"I cannot believe she is one already." You say as he pulls you into his arms whilst both of your eyes stay put on the TV.
"I know it's crazy."
He kisses your neck then places his head on your shoulder.


I haven't told her yet.
Don't want to rush anything or apply pressure.

I had mentioned the feeling of something missing.

It could be another baby?
Maybe our wedding could come sooner?
Or a pet?

I don't know.

We need to get married first.
Well we don't need to.
I just want to feel closer to her.

"Rog I forgot to tell you!" She chirped cutting my thoughts.
"Freddie and John wanted to take me wedding dress shopping! Oh and your mum said she'd come with me."
"Awe that's great. When are you going?"
"Erm sometime next week. I have an idea of what I want but I need a better job."
"My love! You need to publish your books! They're brilliant."
"But no one would read them."
"Yes they would! I would. The boys would. My family, your family, colleagues or anyone who likes fantasy books."
"Hmmm. We'll see. I do love to write. It's much better then making coffee everyday."

I chuckle and pull her into a deep kiss.

It didn't take long before neither of us had clothes on.

There's always a power in her kiss.
It does something.

The following morning, I awoke to no crying from a baby.

I had Y/n in my arms, her face nuzzled into my neck.
I was comfortable and enjoyed the peace for a moment.

Then I felt her move and her lips reached mine.
Still as soft as ever.

She stoops kissing me and hugs me as I wrap her legs around me.

"There's no crying." She whispers.
"I know. It's been a while."
She laughs then kisses me again.

"Come, let's go wake her up." She says and climbs out of bed.

She puts a shirt on and some shorts.
I follow her anf put on my dressing gown.

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