She's Gorgeous

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The baby slept through the night.
Mostly in your or Rogers arms.
But you couldn't sleep.
Then someone walked in.

"Hi you two!" Freddie whispered walking into the room.
"Hi Fred." You say sat with the baby in your arms.
Roger was asleep with no shirt on in the corner of the room.
"The big baby's asleep." He jokes.
"Oh she's beautiful. You must be so tired."
"I am. Would you like to hold her?"
"Yes please!"

You place her into his arms as his eyes light up.
"Y/n! She's gorgeous."
"I know!"
"Clearly doesn't get that from her father." He gestures his head to Roger who's snoring.
"Shhh I haven't told him."
"Still! Y/n."
"I know. But I will. Soon. I promise."
"Good. He needs to know. Can Brian and John come in?"
"Of course! Are they here?"
"Yeah just outside."
"Go and get them."

Fred leaves the room and comes back in with Brian and John.

"Hi Y/n!" John whispered.
"Hi John. Hi Brian."
"Hi love how are you feeling?"
"I'm nackered."
"Oh Y/n she's beautiful." John said with the cutest smile, "Can I hold her?"
"Of course!"
You place her into John's arms and an even bigger smile creeps onto his face.
"Have you thought of a name?"
"Not yet. I want Roger to help me though. He's useless at that stuff."
"I bet." John chuckles, "Brian do you want to hold her?"
"Yeah, if it's alright with Y/n?"
"Yes don't be daft. You can hold her whenever!"

John hands her over to Brian.
He doesn't take his eyes off of her.
None of them do.

Freddie winks at you with a grin behind the other two.
You smile back at him.

"Thank you boys for all you've done for me. I appreciate it a lot."
"It's not a problem. You're a great person and have done a lot to Roger." John says.
"Freddie said the same thing to me. I didn't know it effected him that much."
"Big time. He's... Just different." John says looking over to him.

Brian hands the baby back to you, and you place her in the crib beside you.

"We'll let you get some sleep. You'll need it." Freddie says hugging you.
"Thanks Fred. And thanks all of you for dropping in."
"Anytime. Congratulations again." John says hugging you.
"Thank you brian." You say opening your arms out for him.
"No bother. Congratulations. Let me know how you get on in the morning."
"I will."
"Bye love."

You lay down, enjoying the peace and quiet, until you feel a body press against yours.

"Go to sleep baby." Roger whispers in a sleepy tone.
"I will." You say pulling his arms around your waist.
"You just missed the boys. They came here to see the baby."
"Oh. Why didn't you wake me?"
"You looked peaceful. Even though you were snoring." You laughed.
He kissed your neck.
"Ok no more embarrassment. Get some rest please."
You close your eyes tucking your head under his chin.
"I love you."
"I love you to. Sleep now my love."

And within seconds of closing your eyes, you were fast asleep.

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