He Knows

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You're sleeping peacefully in bed.
Your cuddling Roger, who is also asleep.
The baby is a week old now.
Still no name.

Suddenly, you're both awoken to crying.

You sigh and lift the covers off of you.

"No. Stay here I'll get it." He says rubbing his eyes.
You lean back and kiss him.
"Thanks my love."
He smiles as you plaster kisses down his neck.

He kisses you quickly on the temple and then stumbles out of bed (Shirtless again)

The baby monitor is turned on.
You can hear him.

"Come here you!" He lifts her up.
She slowly stops crying.
"That's it. Don't cry! Mummy needs her sleep."

You blush.

You leave the room slowly not making any noise until you can hear him in her room.

"Now. I might not be your dad. But I promise you this ok?
I promise to look out for you no matter what.
I won't let the bullies drag you down."
He chuckles.

"You are one cute baby you know. You get those looks from your mother.
Speaking of your mother, don't talk badly to her when your older.
She doesn't deserve that.
You'll get it one day.
And she loves you so it will make her feel bad.
And me.
Beacuse I love her.
Why I'm telling you this, I don't know.
Just know that I love you so much.
I'll take care of you and when your older I'll take you shopping.
That's if you like shopping.
If not I'll do whatever you want to do."

The baby began to whine.

"Heyyy!" He whispered bouncing her gently in his arms.
"Mummy's still asleep, don't wake her."

She stopps again, opening her eyes.

"God you're so cute! I could stand here and look at you all night! But you need sleep."
He gently placed her down again caressing her cheek with his finger as she closed her eyes.

"There you go! Sleep tight princess."

He leaves the room, his back turned against you.

Now was the moment.
It was perfect.
It was killing you keeping it from him.

You crept up and hugged him from behind.

"Woh! Why aren't you asleep" He said turning himself around in your arms.

"Roger she's yours. She's your baby. I was to scared to tell you because I thought you would leave me. But it was killing me for so long. You were so nice to me and her. You treated her like she was your own even when she wasn't born. But she is yours. 1000% she's yours. I hadn't slept with Cameron in months." You say through tears.

He lifts your head up to look at you.

"My Love. I could never leave you. I knew she was mine. Well I had a suspicion. But you don't have to cry! It's ok now."
"You're not mad at me?"
"Of course not! I couldn't imagine how you must of felt."
"Oh Roger I love you." You say hugging him tighter.
"Awe I love you to."
"Can we tell your parents tomorrow?"
"Shit. I forgot about them. Yeah love."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"Baby it's ok. Come with me."

He guides you into the room again.
When you get in bed, he pulls you into his arms.

"Is that why you didn't tell me the last name she was going to have?"
"Yeah. Can it be yours?"
"Yes! She's my daughter it makes sense."
"I'm so glad you're not mad at me."
"Never! Now what do we call her?"
"I don't know. Can we spend tomorrow discussing it. Then we can tell your parents."
"Of course. Get some sleep please."
"I will. If I stay in your arms."
"Trust me, you ain't ever leaving them."
You giggle as he kisses the back of your neck.
"We can be a family now." You whisper.
"The best family ever. I love you both so much."
"I love you to."

There you have it.

The weight that sat on your shoulders; left.

No more waiting.

He knows now.

No more worries or secrets.

Just you, your boyfriend and your daughter.


I know now.

The question has been answered.

I have a daughter.

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