Our Journeys End

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Everything settled down after a while.
No changes.
No mistakes.

It was a simple life.

Roger and his band.
You and your books.

It worked.

Lily grew more fond of Roger as the days passed by; she became a real daddy's girl.
Which was great as he did a good job.
It made you love him more.

Freddie continued to write amazing songs, as did the others, and soon they reached number one with Bohemian Rhapsody.

Deaky would always look after Lily when you were busy.
It worked out great that way.

Brian helped out in the house.
He didn't mind looking after Lily either.

You and Roger hadn't changed.
Not after 10 years of marriage.
Still the same you know.
That spark never left.

"I've been looking for you." Roger said approaching you.

You were leaning agaisnt a bridge, looking out at the sea and the sunset.
You had just left a party (which Freddie had hosted)

You chuckled.

"Sorry. I needed to leave. Freddie gets to energetic when he's drunk."
He laughs, "I know."

He walks closer to you, allowing your head to reach his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah. Tired. You?"
"I'm good."
You look up at him and smile.
He smiles back and kisses your cheek.

"I love you." He whispers in your ear.
"I love you more."

He wrapps his arms around you, placing his head on your shoulder.

It was nice being in his arms.
Just the two of you, you know.
No Lily.
No band.
No books.

Y/n and Roger.

And that's the way it was always going to be.

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