Honeymoon Pt.2

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"Morning my love. Time to get up and enjoy Mexico!" Roger says excitedly, waking you up.
You chuckle in response as he kisses your face repeatedly.

"I'm up, I'm up!" You laugh, rubbing your eyes.
"Good. Now how are you feeling?"
"Better than ever. You?"
"Same here gorgeous."
He kisses you.
"Now get up."
You groan as he lifts you up by your arms, taking the blanket away from your body and pulling you closer to him.

He kisses your neck as you chuckle.

"You're so warm." You say as you feel his body heat against you.
He chuckles into your neck as you enjoy his presence.
"You're so cold... Get a shower then we can get some breakfast."
"Care to join me?"
"It would be my pleasure." He says and carrys you into the bathroom.

After you had gotten dressed, you left the hotel room and went and got some breakfast.

The week flew by, lots of dinners, lots of alcohol, lots of swimming and lots of sex.

It was the best week you had had ever.
And it was better to be with Roger.

Now, you were packing your clothes preparing to go back home to your own bed with your daughter and husband.

The only two people you could ever need.

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