Rogers Parents

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"Y/n love?"
"Are you up for meeting my parents? They haven't seen you in a long time they would like to."
"Yes I would love to!"
"Ok. Well they've invited us round for dinner."
"Have you told them about the baby?"
"Yes. And they know it's not mine."
"Ok. Just didn't want to make things awkward. Do they know we're together?"
"Nope. I figured we could tell them?"
"Erm well we kind of have to."
"Sorry love."
"It's ok. It's better they hear it in person... Right well I'll go and get showered. Care to join me?"
"Always!" He smirks and stands up.

You put on a white maternity jumpsuit (One of the many outfits Roger had bought you) some gold jewelry, white flats and you straightened your hair.

Roger put on a pink suit he found which kept making you laugh.

"What?" He asked.
"You look funny." You say through laughter.
"Should I change?"
"No no. If you like it then keep it."
"So you don't like it?"
"I do. It's just funny."
"Come let's leave before I change my mind."
You nodd, still laughing.

"Well at least you look nice." He said.
"Roger you don't look bad. I'll stop laughing. You know what I'm like."
He kisses your cheek.

Around 30 minutes later, you arrive at his parents house.

He knocks on the door.

"Hello! Y/n you look amazing." His mum said opening the door.
"Thank you! So do you."
"Awe come in, come in. Hi Rog you ok?"
"Yeah mum. You?"
"I'm good thank you... Oh it's so good to see you both."
"And you. Thank you for inviting us." You say.
"No bother. Dinners already served come into the dining room."

You follow her and are soon faced with Rogers dad.

"Y/n, long time no see. How's the little runt?" He says hugging you.
"She's great thank you."
"She? Roger never told us the gender." His mum said.
"Oh didn't he?" You say looking at him.
"No. Well congratulations. Have you got a name?" His dad asked.
"Not yet. It's a tricky one."

You sit and talk with his parents for a while.
It was nice to see them again.

Something about meeting them made you want to tell them that it was Rogers right then and there.
It made you feel worse.

That they were going to be grandparents.

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