Food Shopping

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"Morning! Did the baby wake you?" You asked leaving the bedroom, noticing Roger bouncing her in his arms again.
"Yeah love. You ok?" He asked as you kissed his cheek.
"Yeah... What you said to her last night was adorable you know." You say sitting down on the sofa.
"Oh. You heard." He said joining you.
"Was I not supposed to hear?"
"No, I just thought you were asleep... Is that why you finally told me?"
"I just felt bad; Keeping that from you." You say feeling the guilt tears rush to your eyes.
"My love it's ok."

He got up and put the baby onto the play mat.
He turned around and lifted you up by your hands, pulling you into his arms.

"Are you sure?" You asked.
"Yes. I'm not mad at you in the slightest. I'm just happy she's not related to thst bastsrd."
"Yeah me to... Now can we name her?"
"Shit. Yeah."

You sat down on the sofa, his arm around you.

You looked over to her, giggling to herself ect.

"What's on your mind?" You asked.
"Erm. I like lily or Evie or Rose. What about you?"
"Hmm. Evies nice. But I do like lily."
"Lily Taylor?"
"It works. What about a middle name?"
"Lily Rose Taylor?"
"Rog! I love it."
"Me to."
You kiss him.
"We've named her!" You say resting your head on his shoulder whilst looking at her.
"We have. Lily Rose Taylor. It's pretty."
"We need to get it registered."
"We can do it tomorrow?"
"Sure. Shall I tell my parents we're coming over later. You know to tell them about the name and the father?"
"Yeah if you don't mind?"
"Not at all." He says kissing you then getting up and heading to the phone.
"Rog I'm gonna go to the shop to get some food. Do you mind looking after her?"
"Not at all. I love spending time with her."
"Cute." You say waking to the bedroom as he calls his parents.

You leave the room in about 20 minutes.

Roger was sat on the sofa with Lily in his lap leaning against his knees.
He was making her laugh.

You creep up behind him and slip your arms around his neck.
"I won't be long." You say.
He turns his head to look at you and kisses you passionately.

"Woh. Not quite 2 months." You say walking to the front door.
"Don't remind me." He says with a sad expression on his face.
"See you later."
"Bye love."

You left the apartment book with the fresh air on your face.

It was a good day.

Even better knowing Roger knew he was a dad.

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