I'm Worried About You

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You had arrived at Heathrow Airport, excited to see your parents with Lily.

But just then, you noticed Freddie, armed with Lily and then John and Brian standing beside him.

"Mummy!" Lily shouted, noticing you.
"Hi baby!" You say walking up to them.
"Hi boys. Wasn't expecting to you here." You say hugging them as does Roger.
"We came to susprise you. How was Mexico?" John asked.
"It was amazing thanks." Roger smiled.

Lily reached out for you, so you took her into your arms.
Soon, she wanted Roger and so she ended up staying in his arms until you arrived home.

"Thanks again boys!" You say, just before they drive of.
"No problem Y/n. See you tomorrow Roger."
"Bye Fred. By Deaky by Bri."
"By newly weds." Brian joked.
John laughed and waved as Freddie drove of.

You entered the flat, throwing your bags on the floor.

You sat on the sofa, with Lily, and turned the TV on.

It was peaceful.

You rested your head on his shoulder and Lily sat on his lap, talking gibberish.

"Nice to be home." You say.
"Yep. I'm so tired love. Shall we go to bed?"
"Sure. I'll put her to bed."
"I'll help."

You headed upstairs and put her pyjamas on.
After locking the doors and turning the TV of, Roger followed.

"Sleep tight sweetheart." You whisper as you stroke Lilys cheek, nodding her of to sleep.

Roger entered the room, quietly and placed his arm around your waist.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." He smiled.
You lightly laughed, as did he.

She soon fell asleep.

He kissed your forehead and you left her room.


Roger was first in the bed, striping his clothes of until he was in his boxers.

You did the same, but threw a shirt on.

"Come here love." He said, opening his arms out for you.
You smiled and climbed ontop of him, kissing his cheek.
"I'm here love." You joked, causing him to laugh.

"Sorry to darken the mood, but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. He thinks I might need therapy." You say straddling him.
He sits up, trapping you inbetween his legs and chest.
"My love." He says shocked, "Do you need to talk?"
"No. I'm fine."
"You're not. I see it... My love I'm worried about you."
"You don't need to worry. It's not like I'm suicidal." You begin to lightly laugh.

He looks at you, as if he was about to cry.

"Y/n don't." He says softly.
"Roger. No. No. I won't. Don't be ridiculous."
He begins to shed a tear and so you pull him in for a hug.
"Don't cry. I won't leave you. Nor Lily. It would be selfish. But please don't cry. I'm going to be ok."
"I don't want to lose you."
"You won't... I promise."

You never realised how much this had affected him.
But now, he sheds a tear to the idea of losing you.

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