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"You're having a little girl." Roger said excitedly as you climbed into bed.
"I know!" You respond as he kisses your cheek.

You sit reading a book as he lays on his stomach watching you.

"You're so beautiful you know."
"Don't flatter me."
"Meh I can do what I like." He says jokingly.

You laugh and put your book down.

You sigh.
"What do I call her?"
"I don't know love. Are you using your last name?"
"I don't know. There are choices."
"Is there?"
"Yeah. I guess. Oh I don't know."
"My love don't stress over it please. You have all the time in the world. I don't want you to feel under pressure or anything. Just take your time to decide." He says climbing into bed beside you and pulling you onto his lap.
"I love you." You whisper then kiss him gently.
"I love you to." He replies.
You kiss him again and for Longer.

"God I wish this could last forever." You say tucking your head into his neck as he raps your arms around your waist.
"Me to. But we can make it last. I will make it last."
"Why are you so perfect?"
"Only for you my love. Anyway you need to be out the house tomorrow. Freddie is taking you somewhere whsilt me deaky and bri prepare something for you."
"What is it?"
"You'll have to wait and see."

The next morning, you awoke to the the gesture of Roger gently caressing your cheek with his finger and his breath slowly hitting your face.
"My love you need to get up. Gorgeous wake up!"
"Ugh do I have to?"
"Yes baby. Freddie is waiting outside." He kisses your face; all over, waking u up.

Once you had gotten showered and dressed, Brian and John showed up.
Roger seemed so excited and rushed you out of the apartment kissing you.

You walked outside to find Freddie leaning against the car.
"Hello darling!" He said hugging you, "How's the little runt?"
"Hi Fred! Yeah she's ok."
"Suprise! It's a girl!"
"Oh that's wonderful. Congratulations I'm so happy. Now let's go baby shopping."
He climbs into the car, you next to him in the passanger seat.

Finally, you arrive at the shopping centre and make your way into the baby shops.

"So do you know what the boys are up to?" You asked putting some pink baby grows into the basket.
"Yes. I'm so excited for you to see. Rogers been planning this for a long time."
"Awe. He's so cute."
"Only for you. He hates the sight of another girl. You've changed him for the better."
"But he was never like this before. You know when we were kids."
"Because he's finally opend his heart for you. And it's done something to him."
"I can tell. It's wired being best friends with someone then all of a sudden your dating and having his baby."
"His? I thought it was Camerons?"
"Yes. Yes it is." You say avoiding eye contact.
"Y/n. Who is the baby's father?"
"I didn't want to tell anyone. I was scared-"
"Id it Rogers?"
You nodd.
"Why haven't you told him?"
"I was scared. I still am. It's better he doesn't know for now."
"Y/n. You can't keep a secret like that. Especially if you love him."
"Fred trust me. I have this planned. It just needs to go the right way. I will tell him. I promise. Now I'm going to pay before I buy anything else."
"I'll pay for you. As a treat."
"No Fred. I've spent to much here."
"I insist." He says pushing in line before you and taking the basket from your hand.
"You're to kind. Thank you."
"My pleasure."

"What time are we supposed to be home?" You asked Freddie leaving the shop.
"6. So we have a long long time. Might aswell enjoy it."
"Yeah. Shall we get coffee?"

The hours past and soon, you're on your way home, Freddie leaping with joy.

When you pull up to the apartment block, Rogers waiting outside.

You get out of the car, arms filled with shopping bags.

"Hi my love." He says and kisses you.
"Hi Rog!"
"Did you have fun?"
"Yes I bought loads of baby clothes."
"Good. Come with me, I have a Suprise... Come on Fred."

He lead you into the apartment, John and Brian standing by your bedroom door and Freddie joining them.

"Y/n I wanted to do something special. You were going to need it anyway but I wanted to take part in this." He said opening the door.

Everything had gone.
Your things were no longer there.

Instead lied the most adorable nursery set for any child.
A crib, wardrobe, books, toys.

You began to feel tears in your eyes.

"Oh boys it's beautiful. Thank you. I love it."

Brian and John smiled and Roger kissed your cheek whispering, "I love you."
"I love you to." You responded.

It really was beautiful.

And now that Freddie knew, you felt even more bad.

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