Honeymoon Pt.1

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"Morning my beautiful wife." Roger chuckled pulling you into his arms.
"It feels nice, you saying that."
"I know. I love you so much." He states, playing with your hair.

You placed your head under his chin as he shifted his body closer to yours.

"I'll get Lily up." You say and kiss his cheek.
"What time are your parents coming?"
"Erm around 1 ish, it will give us time to tidy the house up then we get to relax in Mexico."
"I can't wait to spend a week with you alone. I love Lily but we haven't had time for only us."
"I know my love. We might as well enjoy it."
"Oh I will." He smirks.
You laugh and kiss him again before leaving the bedroom.

After preping Lily and collecting your passports ect, you we're finally finished and ready.

Your parents came and picked Lily up which was nice to see them with her.

Finally, Roger called a taxi and it was time for you to leave.

After going through security, you made it to the waiting area where you sat, resting your head on his shoulder.

"You nervous love?" He asks.
"A little. I don't like flying."
He chuckles.
"You'll be ok."
"I always am when I have you."

He kisses the top of your head.

"Wonder how Lily's getting on." You say.
"I'm sure she's fine."

Around 30 minutes later, you boarded the plane and sat next to Roger, who was more or less drunk already.

"Please don't drink to much, you'll stress me out."
"Ok love. If you say so."
You groan and look out the window.
"Hey. Gorgeous relax. Everything will be ok."
"No I don't want to go. I want to stay at home with Lily." You say tearfully.
"But my love, this is our honeymoon."
"I know it is. But I don't feel right."

The plane began to move.

"We can't get of." He says and takes your hand in his.

You begin to cry into your hands, and he pulls you into his arms comforting you.

"I'm so sorry for acting like a fool." You soon say.
"My love don't apologise. I know you're not ok and I want to help you. And you're not a fool. I think you might benefit from this in the end."
"I hope so."
He kisses your forehead, before you rest your head on his shoulder again.

After 9 hours, you arrive in Mexico.

You get a taxi to your hotel and check in.

Once you made it to your room, you both felt pretty jet lagged so you called your parents to ask how Lily was and informed them you arrived saftley.
You then called Rogers parents to let them know you arrived as well.
And then you called Freddie who said he'd tell Brian and John you had arrived.

Afterwards, you cuddled up in bed in his arms.

"I'm so tired." You yawn.
He turns the light of, allowing the Moonlight to shine through the window.
"Get some sleep." He says softly, rubbing your back with his cold hands.
"And you gorgeous." You say wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you so close to him, it looks almsot as if your bodies are Superglue together.

He chuckles and kisses your face all over; delicately as if you would break if he Kissed you any harder.

You lightly chuckle as your response and in return, kiss the tip of his nose.

He smiles, and you lay there, analysing each others face.

You gazed into his eyes for a long time.

"I love you." You whispered.
"I love you to." He says, planting a kiss on your neck.

He remains in that position as you began to play with his hair; drifting him of to sleep.

Soon enough you drifted of to sleep as well.

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