A New Life Begins

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You were lying in bed in Rogers arms.
You would occasionally glance down at your baby numb, noticing how large it was.

"You keep moving your head are you ok?" Roger asked.
"Yeah. I'm just looking at the bumb. It's huge!" You say with a smile.
"I'm glad your more excited about it now."

He looks down at you.
Analysing your every feature.
You sit watching the tv again - your hands gently caressing the bumb.

He pushes his body closer to yours and so you look up at him.

"This is so comfortable. I want to stay like this forever." He says burying his head into your neck.
"Me to... But I wish we had more time."
"What do you mean?"
"You know just us. No band. No baby. Just us to worry about. Alone."
"We still can my love. The boys could look after her for us and then we cou-"
"Rog it won't be the same. We both know that." You look up at him with tears in your eyes.
"My love please don't cry. We can make moments when we're alone. Just don't cry please." He says pulling you into his arms.
"I'm very hormonal right now." You laugh.
He joins in the laughter then kisses you.

But suddenly, a pain hits you.

"Are you ok love?"
"Yeah I think s- Agh fuck."

You climb out of bed, clutching your stomach in your arms.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He says standing up and helping you walk.
"I don't know but it's really fucking painful."
"Sit down on the sofa."
"No. No I can't it hurts. I think the baby's coming."
"What? But it's not due yet." He says panicking.
"I know. Shit. Get the bags."

He rushes to the baby's room and quickly gets the bags.

"Can you get me some other clothes I don't want to go to the hospital in this?" You ask.
"Yes love."

He puts on clothes himself and then gets you yours.

He rushes out and helps you put them on.

"Rog, I can't do this."
"Yes you can my love. It will be ok I promise you."
"No, no it hurts."
"It's going to my love. But it will be worth it when you have your baby girl."
You began to tear up.
"Baby please don't cry. I'll be here next you and I won't let anything bad happen to you."

You groan in pain again.

"Just rember to breathe."
"Can you call the boys. Tell them to come to the hospital."
"Yes love."

He calls Freddie who informs the others.

He thrn takes you down to the car and drives to the hospital.

As you enter the building, the boys are there.

"Y/n are you ok?" Brian asks.
"No. I think the baby's coming."

And just as you said that, your waters broke.

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