Parents Then Scan

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"Are you ready?" Roger asked.
"No not really."
"You'll be fine." He whispered and kissed your cheek.

You're standing outside your parents house.
Nerves all over the place.
It was time to tell them you were pregnant.

"Hello you two. Come in, come in."
Your mum said opening the door.
"Hi mum." You say as she huggs you, then Roger.
"Roger how are you? I heard about the fight."
"Oh. I'm much better now thank you."
"That must have been rough. Make yourself at home I'll get your father."
"Thanks mum."

You sit on the sofa, Roger sitting beside you.

"I don't think I can do this."
"Yes you can. It will be ok I promise you."
"Rog what if it's not."
"It will be." He says softly and kisses you.

Just seconds after he kisses you, your parents walk in.

"Hi dad."
"Hi Y/n. Hi Roger. How are you?"
"Good thank you." Roger answers.

They sit down on what's left of the L shaped sofa.

"What did you want to tell us?"
"There's two things actually. Firstly, Roger and I have officially started dating."
"Oh that's brilliant news!" Your mum leaps with joy, "I'm so glad your together and your not with Cameron."
"Congratulations. I'm happy for you both." Your dad adds.
"But that's not all."
You pause.
"I'm pregnant."
They look at you shocked as your mum points to Roger.
"No. Cameron."


You grip Rogers hand.

"You're 22 Y/n."
"I know bu-"
"No. Don't." Your mum says through tears and leaving the room.
"How could you do this to your mother." He says and leaves the room.

You look at Roger with tears in your eyes.
You get up and leave the house with tears in your eyes.

"Y/n wait."
"Roger, you heard what they said."
"My love." He whispers as you fall into his arms, crying your eyes out with the rain pouring around you.

"Can we go home?" You ask.
"Yes love."

You let go of him and get into his car.

"That's not how I thought they would react." You whisper.
"They'll come to accept it."
"What if they don't though."
He slowly shrugs his shoulders.

When you arrive at your apartment, you throw yourself on your stomach onto your bed.

Roger walks over and lies next to you and begins to play with your hair.

"Do you want a cup of tea my love?"
"Yes please."
He kisses your forehead and leaves the room.

2 minutes later, he comes back in with a cup of tea and puts it on your bedside table.

You sit up and he sits beside you, so you rest your head on his chest and he puts his arms around you.

"Do you think I should keep the baby?"
"It's up to you my love."
You sigh.
"But whatever happens, it will all be ok. I promise you."
"I love you."
"I love you to."
He kisses you, then you remembered something.

"Shit! I have a scan. Come with me."
"What now?"
"Yes. Come on."

You leave the house in a rush and get back into his car.
He drives to the hospital and you sit and wait in the waiting room.

"Nervous?" He asks.

"Miss Y/n Y/L/N."

You take his hand and follow the doctor into the room.

"First scan?"
"Don't be nervous. Everything will be ok. If you could sit on the chair and lift the bottom of your shirt up that would be great."

You do so, as Roger sits beside you.

"First time parents?"
"Oh. He's not the dad."
"Oh. Right."
"But yeah. This is the first."

The doctor applies the cold jelly stuff and sets the scan up.

And just under two minutes later, you could see the small body of your baby.
The heartbeat was faintly heard but still there.

You turned to look at Roger and smiled.
He smiled back.

You left the hospital with pictures in your hand and a smile on your face.

But you felt so so bad to keep this from Roger.
Like he couldn't share this moment with you as he doesn't know it's his.


I know it's my baby.

The doctor told me the due date which was nine months from when we had sex.

I can understand why she's keeping this from me and I don't blame her.
I'd be scared to.

But then I still had a feeling that it wasn't mine.

Only she knows the truth.

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