Another Author's Note

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Okay, I'm just going to be blunt now.

I have put multiple warnings about the topics in my book. I have even dedicated an entire update informing people what this book stands for.

So now I'm not going to beat around the bush and I'm definitely not going to sugarcoat. If you have suffered from abuse of any kind or any form of trauma, please do not read my book unless you are willingly going to put yourself in uncomfortable and triggering situations. This is my last and final warning.

This book is created to challenge people, to make people uncomfortable, and to shed light on the truth. For those of you who are against the outcome of this book, that's completely alright! That's your opinion and I'm happy you feel safe enough to voice it. Your voice matters!

But do not sit there and accuse me of romanticizing abuse, condoning, or anything of that nature. If you are spewing such words, that just tells me that you truly didn't process what this book stood for.

I am a survivor of abuse. This book is written off my own personal experiences and those around me. For you to sit there and speak so ignorantly and rudely is absolutely bewildering to me.

The truth is 51% of the population has faced some form of abuse. If you have faced abused you have a 96% chance of becoming an abuser yourself (stats found on Office for National Statistics).

Yes, if you have been abused that doesn't give you the right to abuse others.

But think just for a moment. If a child is raised in an environment where they only observe one type of behavior and are told it is normal, do you really think that child wouldn't carry on those traits? Think about in your own households. Maybe how your family folds towels is a peculiar way and you were raised that it was completely normal. You are most likely going to continue to fold your towels in such a manner.

Behavior is learned.

Am I excusing the behavior of one of the characters? No, I'm simply explaining. Cassie is still blame for her actions, but that doesn't mean we cannot understand her.

Abusers are still humans. They are humans that have fallen off the path - don't get me wrong, there are some abusers that are completely unforgivable, but the reason they are unforgivable is because they refuse to change or seek help.

87% of abusers are abusers because they never received any form of help. This means that if those individuals, at some point in their lives, received an ounce of aid their outcome could have been different. Most abusers don't even know they are abusers until it's too late.

So why am I explaining this? Because this is the truth. No one talks about how an abuser is created, how to stop one, and how to appropriately treat one. Abusers are also humans, to think of them as something else is horrible as well.

It took me a long time to realize and accept these facts. It took me a long time to accept that abusers also need help and a support system. Most of us want to sit here and condemn them, but what does that do? If majority of abusers were abused, they are used to the condemning, the degrading, the hate, and malice. It doesn't encourage them to change.

So here's the reason I wrote the book the way I chose. If you don't like it, that's okay. That's life, we're all not the same.

Be safe Loves♥️

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