Maleficent & Kisses(1)

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"Ani?" I glance up to see Alex holding all the meeting notes, "I finished typing everything up. If you aren't too busy, can you look over the to see if I got everything." I placed the budgeting to the side and took the notes from her. Alex is the Secretary, meaning she takes all Meeting Minutes. She tends to do a lot of the Treasurers job since Kayden is never in school, but she never complains. Alex is probably the only person in ASB I can trust to get stuff done. Flipping through the pages, I notice she forgot to add the attendance.

"You forgot the attendance sheet. Other than that, you're all good," I hand it back to her, looking at the budget again. She quickly fixes the issue and comes back.

"Can I help you?" She tilts a bit over to see my face. Instead of saying anything, I hand her a stack and we both knock it out in about thirty minutes. We started cleaning everything up when she asked, "Are you busy after this?"

"No," I said.

"Wanna grab a Jamba Juice?" She gleamed, bouncing on her toes, "I am craving a strawberry banana smoothie and I was wondering if you wanted to get one with me?" Pondering on the question, I check the time to see it's only three twenty. My mom wouldn't be able to get until four, so I guess I have time.

"Sure," I grabbed my bag, "I can pay."

"No, no, no!" She caught up to me, her skirt swaying back and forth, "I'm the one who invited you! It's my treat and you can't protest!" I shake my head at her, giving into her. We walk down to the street light, waiting for it to turn green for us to go. She was gushing over her phone, making me curious.

"What are you excited about?"

Stuffing her phone in my face, I steady her hand to see she was texting someone with the contact name 'Husband', "My boyfriend promised to come down here this Saturday to hangout! I haven't seen him since last month. He's a year older than us, so he's in college already. He wants to become a teacher! Isn't that sweet?"

"Very," I'm not really good a girl talk like this.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

More like a girlfriend.

"Yeah," I said, gesturing to the light, "we have the right-a-way."

As we crossed she began asking a lot of questions, "What's your boyfriend like?"

"Um," I scratched my neck, "he's... well very happy-go-lucky. He is very optimistic while I'm more of a pessimistic."

"Is he cute?"

I blush a bit, nodding, "Very."

"Awww president!" She hugged me, squeezing me tightly, "You're so cute when embarrassed! Your boyfriend must be super smart and handsome! Taller than you too! You seem like you'd be very soft-spoken with your guy."

"I'm actually not," I confess, "we're about the same height and I'm the smarter one. They are very... handsome though and I'm very opinionated. Actually my significant other is very soft-spoken with me. You can say I wear the pants in the relationship." Alex threw her arms around me, crushing me, "What are you doing?"

"Ani, you're so amazing!" She yelled. When she let me go, she grabbed my hand, eyes shining and everything, "We should totally do a double date! Wouldn't that be so fun?"

Making a face, I say, "I'm not really big about double dates."

"Oh come on!" She whined, her bottom lip popping out, "I really want to meet your boyfriend! Plus, seeing infamous Ani being cute with her boyfriend! Seeing that would be like finding gold during the gold rush times!" She twirled around on the sidewalk, singing songs I've never heard before.

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