The Fall Pt. 3(5)

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"Ani!" My mother shouted from the stairs, her tone was urgent. Going to the stairs, I peer down at her, seeing an expression of fear and nervousness. "Honey can you please come downstairs?"

I nodded, walking down the stairs slowly. By the front door stood a woman with blonde hair; perfectly curled. She wore a nice peachy dress, a glimmering necklace. I didn't recognize her at first, probably because I haven't seen her for so long, but I knew who it was once I stood before her.

"Mrs. Winters?" I asked softly, a little tense. It has been an awfully long time since I've seen her, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes," she had this scowl, she spoke softly, "I was just wondering if you've... if my daughter spent the night here?"

"Last night?" I asked.

"Yes," her face scrunched up, her eyes narrowing. I felt... threatened. Taking a step back, I kept my eyes on her. We needed distance between us. I don't know why we did, but I could feel it deep in my stomach. "My daughter, Cassidy, didn't return home this weekend. I've been trying to contact her but nothing has come through. Was she here?" She seemed venomous; terrifying. She wasn't warm nor cheerful, she was nauseating and horrifying. My skin was running cold, my head forming massive headaches. What was scaring me the most was her eyes. They were screaming at me. Screaming a language I couldn't understand. It left me shaking, trembling under her gaze. "Ani?" She moved closer to me but I flung my hand up, my hand flat towards her.

That look, I know where I've seen it before. It was on her. That night. That same look. The one I see every night, every time I look into the mirror.

"Ani?" Mom grabbed my arm, but I pushed her away. She fell down, hitting her head against the wall. My dad flew to her, screaming at me. I couldn't breathe... I couldn't think.

In moments someone grabbed me, shoving me against the closest wall. Opening my eyes, I see it's Mrs. Winters. Her face has conformed into one of a demon. Her eyes laced with blades, same as her tongue. "Now tell me where the hell is Cassidy you little whore! I know you're the one who made her into a fucking slut, so tell me where the fuck is she! I swear, if you don't fucking tell me I will make your life hell," she hissed at me, tears brimming my eyes. None of my parents saw what she was doing, too occupied with themselves. Her nails dug into my arms, deep enough that blood was trickling down my arms. "Tell me where she is!"

With all the strength I had, I shoved her off of me. She stumbled a bit, capturing the attention of my parents. My dad rose to his feet, unaware of anything, as he said, "I'm so sorry for this display. It seems something has overcome Ani. My wife and I haven't seen your daughter, but if we do, we will definitely inform you." She continued to glare at me; but gave them a smile, thanked them and left.

Before my parents could question me, before they could sit there and argue with me, I bolted to my room. When I got inside I slammed the door and pushed a chair up to it. Stacking furniture over the door, I felt my heart racing. I couldn't pay attention to the pain in my back or arms.

All I could pay attention to was the fear rising in me.

*A Week Earlier*

"Ani?" I turned around to see Cassie. She ran up to me, jumping on me with excitement. Today we were celebrating our four year anniversary. Going to the little doggy park we went to on our first date. Carrying the picnic basket and her holding onto the blanket, she rambled on, "When we're older let's get a puppy! I want a little corgi that's a mixture of colors. We can name it Anica! Isn't that cute?"

"Anica?" I mumbled, "Ani and Cassie?"

"Yep," she moved a bit in front of me, kissing me on the cheek. She tugged me along, twirling me around and smiling happily. We set everything up, more like me since she's clueless with this stuff. I watched her play with the puppies that came up to us, give them a piece of bread or fruit. We both giggled when one spat the green bean up. After a while, she snuggled up to me, humming a little cheer. I read one of my mangas, feeling a little easier when I read. She got up, twirling around and playing with random dogs. When I finished the book, I put it aside and watched her play. She was laughing; a true laugh. Today she was brighter than ever, warm and welcoming. It reminded me of back then. Yet even with all these good feelings, I still felt wary. She noticed me staring and rushed over, "Come play with us!"

Throwing balls, chasing the dogs and rolling around with them, I couldn't help but have a blast. As she cuddled up with a pomeranian, I took a moment to observe her when I noticed something on her neck. It was a bruise, but not the bruises I see when a guy leaves a hickey. Moving back her hair and pulling her collar down a bit, I saw just how big it was. She didn't register what I was staring at, so absorbed with the dogs. It was dark, ugly too. It was a mixture of green, black and purple. There's no way she got it from cheer, impossible. She was way too cautious and never did any of the tricks like the people they threw up. Brushing my finger over it, I ask, "Where did you get this?"

Instantly she shoved me away, letting go of the dogs and tugging on her clothes and fixing her hair. She seemed nervous, scared even. I watched her anxiously look around before a big smile came on her face, "I was being stupid with my friends. How about we go take a look around the park? Come on!" She pulled me up on my feet, taking my hand as she ran in front of me. As I came closer, I wanted to ask again but I knew nothing would come of it. Her friends and her we're probably messing around and doing tricks.

But a part of me didn't believe it... couldn't believe it.

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