14 Years Old(4)

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Peddling my bike down the block, I watched the cars zoom past me. It was summer vacation, soon Cassie and I would be high schoolers! My excitement for both the upcoming year and spending it with Cassie was undeniably high. It's as if it's fate. Some of our classes are the same, especially our P.E. class! Pushing my pastel pink bike up the hill, I didn't care about how hot it was or how miserable I was, I just couldn't wait to see Cassie. From the top of the hill I rode it down until the first light. The wind bashing against me was all worth that terrible hill.

Taking a left at the first light, I go down the stream of homes. They were all new. Painted these cute yellows and browns, plus their yards were lush compared to the rest of the town. Golden yards were the norm here. When I spotted her home at the corner, I peddled a little faster. Hoping off the bike before it stopped, I rushed to her door. Checking my hair in the window, I take a deep breath and push the doorbell, hearing their fancy song blast throughout the house. A couple minutes when by but the door was flung open and there stood Cassie. Her purple dyed hair was pulled back into a messy bun, her face flushed in red since she was working out, and her oversized workout clothes were covered in sweat. Apparently Cassie really wants to get on the Cheer team when we enter high school, so she's been dead set on making herself look 'cuter'. I try to tell her she's beautiful but she doesn't listen. "I didn't know you were coming," she straighten her back, smiling at me, "I would have made myself look cuter."

"I think you look perfect now," I muttered, us both blushing like fools. It was two weeks ago since I've confessed my feelings, which she returned. Now we're dating but... it's still so embarrassing! She opens her door and lets me in, telling me to be careful of her cat Betty. Since my parents aren't usually around, I love how attentive Cassie's is. Her mom popped out, waving at me.

"Ani! It's so nice to meet you! Did you come to workout with Cass?"

"No Mrs. Winters," I shook my head, "that's not really my thing."

"She's already gorgeous mom," Cassie slung her arm around my shoulder, pinching my cheek, "if she was to try out, the girls would die from her cuteness!" I pushed her off, hiding my embarrassment.

"Well you two be good! Call if you need anything!" She called out, going back to whatever reality show she was watching now.

She shakes her head at her home, embarrassed, "I swear... she is one interesting woman."

"I think she's amazing," I said.

"Of course you would," she pinched my nose, "I'll grab us some waters. You go to my room." I head up the stairs, observing her school photos that were plastered on the walls. Cassie was always a pretty girl. She took my breath away when I first met her. She the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Inside her room, I take a seat on her fluffy bed. I pull out my summer study camp work, studying for the upcoming test. It studied for about ten minutes until she came with waters, pushing the door open with her hips, "Sorry, my mom wanted me to watch the scandal with her." Putting my stuff away, I take a cup from her and thank her. "Studying? You're still the same huh? Still dreaming to be Valedictorian?" She asked.

"Not dreaming," I said, "I know I will be."

"Your confidence," she scowled, but I kissed her cheek... blushing furiously. Putting our waters on the table, she pushes me on the bed and cuddles up to me, "Sorry if I stink."

"It's perfectly okay," I squeezed her closure, "I can handle smells." She hit me but we just giggled like crazy.

It was so peaceful, so innocent. A relationship all about love and care. The way all relationships should be.

But... some relationships get poisoned with time and cursed even.

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