Strawberry Milk & Oatmeal Cookies(1)

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"Ani?" One of the newspaper committee members pulled me aside in the hallway, "For this month's issue, I would like to be in charge of the theme... if that is okay."

Pulling out my calendar, I check over this month's work load. I have a meeting every Wednesday this month with clubs, Fridays I have ASB budge report assessment and two fundraising events. Plus prepping the Winter Festival coming up in two weeks. I have no time to really worry about the newspaper. "I agree. I was thinking about basing it around the Winter Festival, so if you can incorporate that somehow, I would appreciate it," I stuffed my phone into my binder, "also, if you do need any help, please ask."

"Thank you!" She jumped away, going over to her friend. The girl's name is Olive Hemming. She is a Junior who really wants to become a reporter when she is older. Any opportunity to help, she volunteered. Every story that needed to be covered, she was the first one to jump for it. I really liked her energy, so much that I tried to convince her last year to join ASB, but she said she wasn't into council stuff. She loved to write and report, so that's what she wanted to do.

I continued to class, passing the crowded halls. Alex, Olivia and I need to meet at lunch to see how much more work we need to do for the Festival. Plus I have to talk to Alex about the reports. I want to change the formatting to make it much easier to read and take note data. Hopefully I can squeeze that into today's schedule.

My phone inside my binder vibrates;

Let's go get pizza after school!

Cassie sent.

Huffing, I quickly type out a reply.

Can't. I'm busy for a while. You should go with the Cheer team.

Before I put my phone away, another text came in.

You can't take one day off?

The festival is in two weeks. I don't have time.

Not even a little time for your girlfriend?

Clenching my jaw, I text back.

I'll try but I can't promise anything.

Forget it.

I stare at the message, gripping my phone tightly in my hands. Shutting the device completely, I toss it into my bag and quickly walk to the ASB room. A tiny migraine formed right between my eyes. It felt like a pinch. Like I rubbed it a little too hard.

Once inside, I put my stuff away and grabbed all the work I could. Alex and Olivia noticed but remained quiet as I scanned over everything. Flipping the pages aggressively, I wincing a bit when I peer down at my finger.

Blood came seeping out of it.

Alex came over with a band aid, "Papercuts are the worst! They're small and thin, but deadly."

"I think they hurt the most," Olivia added, "probably worse than getting your arm cut off."

A chuckle escaped out of me, surprising me a bit, "You're dramatic."

"Um hello?" She jumped up. Hands in the air, twirling around in circles, singing a little song. Alex giggled at her as I just stared at her with shock. Soon she stopped facing us, proudly grinning from ear to ear, "I'm the fucking best person in the whole world! I have to be dramatic or else your guys boring lives would have killed you!"

Alex and I playful bow to her, saying in unison, "Thank you our gracious savior, Thank you for your good fortune and love!"

Like a proud king, she placed her hand son her hips and announced, "You are so very welcome, now carry me to all my classes!" Mischievously, Alex grabs her legs and I grab her feet. Shuffling over to the supplies room, we toss her in and lock the door. Laughing like crazies, we just hear Olivia's curses, "You evil bastards! Let me out! I know you can hear me!"

We just laughed even harder.


Us three stood in line, waiting to get lunch. Alex and Olivia were arguing over what was better, the sandwiches or chicken nuggets. I just wanted to get a dairy free blueberry yogurt with granola crumbs to put on top. I cut in front of them, taking the chance to order, "Can I get the number four on the menu?"

"With granola or not?" She asked, her voice a little to squeaky for my liking.

"With," I pulled out two dollars, handing it over to her. She went to go get my food when I noticed on the rack behind her was the oatmeal cookies they give out only in the first ten minutes of lunch. Checking my watch, her Cheer meeting won't be done in time. The lady came over, handing everything to me, "Um... sorry to bother but I would also like an Oatmeal cookie please? With strawberry milk."

"One or two cookies? They're only twenty-five cents today."

"Two please."

"Where are you going Prez?" Olivia shouted at me as I headed out.

"Going over to Mr. McClain's class to get his club reports." I checked the little baggy, making sure everything was inside.

"Way too dedicated," Olivia mumbled, but I told them I would be back shortly.

On the walk over, I heard the chatter of students enjoying their lunch. Swinging the bag a little, I hoped she would like it. Pulling out the pink little note I left her, I smiled a little. Turning the corner, I see Cassie and... Derek Jenson. Once he noticed me, he immediately stopped making out with Cassie, fixing his clothes. Hiding my face, I pushed past them.

Chewing on my cheek, I quicken my pace until I reach Mr. McClain's. Opening his door, I see him typing at his computer, "Antonia! What can I do for you?"

Feeling too sick to have a full conversation, I place the bag on his table, "Please give this to Cassidy Winters... her boyfriend asked me to deliver this.... I would also like to have your club's report please."

"Ah of course!" He took the bag with him. He placed the bag on a desk in the back... probably Cassie's desk. Coming over to me, he handed me the folder, "That girl... her boyfriend must really love her to do such a cute sneaky thing."

"He does," I whispered, "thank you for the report."

When I left the classroom, I took a different path to the ASB room. Too sick to see that again.

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