Discovering Ani(8)

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Cassidy POV

"Thank Miss Chester," I said as the nurse carried out the equipment for PT. It was only ten thirty and Antonia would be arriving around two, so I've taken up a new hobby. Coloring! In the hospital shop there these coloring books and colored pencils, so I spend a lot of time just working on my hand muscles and try to do some calm activities! As I pulled out my coloring book and pencils, a knock came at the door. There stood a man with a coat in his hand and a bag in the other. "Oh, hello! Who are you?" I asked.

He came in, walking a bit odd but his face was weirder. He had this stern expression. He took a seat in the chair farthest from the bed, groaning a bit as he bent down. The man looked about fifty something and was definitely tired. I can see his bags. "Do you know who I am?" He asked.


"I'm... well," he coughed a bit, pulling out a napkin from his pocket. Wiping his mouth, he cleared his throat and continued, "My name is James... Winters."

"Oh," I muttered, "so you're my father?" He nodded. I shook my head, pursing my lips a little. Twisting my thumb, I said, "So... were we close?"

"Not really."

"Well that's sad," I muttered again, but instead of being sad I smiled, "well maybe we can change that, huh?" His face didn't suggest he was interested in the idea, so my smile dropped. Instead, I just cleared my throat and rubbed my thighs. "Um... what do you want... James?" I whispered the last part since I wasn't sure if it was okay.

He brought over the bag, again coughing again, "You will be released from the hospital soon. I wanted to bring you some items for the day since I won't be here to usher you out." Collecting himself, he coughed once again, "Well... I hope you rest and get better. I will see you... sometime." With that he walked out the room, greeting the nurses in the hallway.

Staring down at the brown bag, I felt like crying but I have no idea why. I feel like crying a lot recently. Maybe I should tell Antonia about it. Opening up the bag, I found a cute shirt that seemed to be the right size, some pants that may fit and shoes with socks. I was about to put everything back when I noticed a tiny box on the bottom of the bag. Reaching for it, I popped it open to see a locket.

Suddenly the image of the girl named Ani flashed through my mind. This time she was smiling, not crying. My hands wobbled a little as I picked it up, rubbing my thumb on the chain. It had no scratches, was shinny and pretty sturdy. It looked very similar to Antonia's locket... actually, didn't I remember Ani because of her locket. How funny. The world is so small. I click it open to see a picture of what looks like a young me and Ani. We were both smiling, a genuine one from her. As I tired to close it, the picture fell out and I felt my heart stop.

"I will love you forever" - Ani (Antonia Louisa Meryl).

Antonia Louisa Meryl....


Antonia is....

Antonia is Ani?

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