Five Days After(6)

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Five days have passed since that night with Cassie. School has been... quiet. I've invested my time in academics and club activities again. Getting prepared for winter finals, Alex, Olivia and I have been spending some time in the library after club hours.

"What the hell is this?" Olivia cried, scrunching up her blonde hair. She's the face of ASB but when it comes to brains.... she's definitely lacking. "Can I just skip over the finals and go straight into break? Like why do our teachers make us suffer!" Whining to me and throwing herself into Alex, we all just giggled at her. Since she's with Zachary now she's a bit... calmer? She doesn't lose her temper that often anymore and has been focusing on her role as vice... actually taking it seriously for once.

"Watch me," Alex patted her head like a puppy, writing out the steps to solve the equation. I, on the other hand, have been studying for my French exam. Sadly our teacher is making the exam be a six page essay and a mini presentation about our future college plans. Though I'm fluent in the language and have a deep understanding for it, I still am a little wary over a few parts. "Ani?" I glanced up at Alex, seeing her play with the ring on her hand, "Have you spoken to Vicky recently?"

"No," I said, shifting a bit in my seat. I haven't spoken to Victoria since that day at my house. The both of us agreed to give each other space... allow us some time to think about our... to think. "Why do you ask?"

She sighs, "I heard a pretty nasty rumor and wanted to know if it's true."

"Rumor?" I asked.

"Are you talking about the one with the track team captain? Sounds pretty fucked up," Olivia leaned back in her chair, balancing her life on the hind legs. "Apparently the captain went to her job and started some scenes or whatever. Vic minded her own business and kindly asked her to leave but the chick kept screaming her head off," she then suddenly dropped down on all four legs and leaned into the table. Bringing her voice to a low whisper, she says, "From what I've heard... the captain and her got into a... were in a lesbian relationship."

My heart stopped.

"Really?" Alex muttered, shocked, "Alissa Vargas?"

"Yep," Olivia was grinning like a psychopath, giddily and everything, "when Vic cut off the relationship the chick went insane. Seems she's still a little insane."

"Hmm," Alex said, chin placed on her palm, "I've never seen a homosexual. Interesting."

"Isn't it!" Olivia almost shouted from random excitement, "I mean... I've heard that lesbos are butch and dikes so I'm kinda shocked she's a lesbo.... looks like a normal girl to me." Oddly their words stung. Felt as if the words they said were being imprinted onto my skin.... my clothes shielding my secrets from them. "Vic being lesbo is so... crazy! That's like if you or Prez was into chicks."

My grip on my notebook tightened... so did my throat. "These are just rumors," I said, "we're not sure whether it's true or not so let's drop the subject."

"But prez-" "Ani is right," Alex cut her off, pointing at the problem, "and you've got bigger problems to focus on! You don't have time gossiping about who's a homosexual or not." Olivia whines and begged for mercy, but Alex didn't give her even an ounce. I... I was still shaken up over the talk. For years I had been in a.... have been with someone in the same gender and honestly... it never bothered me. Sometimes I didn't even care if people knew... I even had moments when I thought if people knew it would be better.

But now... I'd give anything and everything to not let anyone find out.


When I unlocked the door to my house, I could hear music playing and laughter. Looking down at my phone I saw how it was only seven thirty... way too early for my parents to be home. Going inside and placing everything where it belongs, I found my parents dancing in the kitchen. My dad and mom dressed casually, twirling around carefree. I looked around trying to find some phone that was ringing or email being sent, but all I found was music blasting out of the speaker. They were so immersed in each other they didn't notice me, which was honestly very normal. I just stood there confused and a little... happy.

During one of my mom's spins she spotted me. "Well finally! We've been waiting for you!" She escaped my dad's atrocious dance moves and came to give me a hug. I was still in a state of confusion. "Why do you look so pale?"

"Why are you guys home? And... and having fun?" I asked.

"Hey!" My dad shouted, pointing at me jokingly, "We aren't that boring!" A little chuckle came out of me, my mom rolled her eyes. "And of course we had to come home early! Today is a special day!" My dad holds up this letter. On the front of it marked my dream college, the college I have wanted to go to since forever.

Rushing over, I immediately ripped it from his hands... gaping at it. In here... this could mean everything. My mom patted my shoulders, mumbling to me, "Open it sweetie."

Slowly I pull off the seal and tug it open. There right on the top of it was it's gorgeous orange and black colors.... quickly I pulled out the paper to read and...

"OH MY GOD!" My mother screamed.

"Congrats honey!" My dad engulfed me into a hug.

Right there, it said:

Hello Antonia Meryl, we would like to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED into Princeton University.

Tears streamed down my face as my parents held me. My lifelong dream of attending the school that my grandmother did would become a reality. I would soon be a Princeton student... I would be following the steps of my grandmother... of a woman who I loved so much and respected the most.

My life was finally looking brighter.

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