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I gently lay her across her bed, wobbling a tad since I was carrying all her weight. She's remained asleep the entire time I walked here, only mumbling nonsense once in a while. Tugging the sheets from beneath, I wrap her into a burrito since that's the way she sleeps. Then I let her hair loose and grab her makeup wipes from her bathroom. Nothing has changed in her house. Ever since we were eleven she's had everything remain in the same location. It used to drive me crazy but now... I found solace in it.When I was finally able to get all her mascara off, I tossed the wipe away and left a little note on her nightstand.

As I turned to leave, I remembered that night. I couldn't remember everything, only bits and pieces of it. The part that was perfectly clear was when I saw her and that Victoria girl. After that... it's blotchy. All I remember seeing is red.

As if I snapped.

"How many years has it been?" I mumbled. Three? No... more than that. Four. We're getting to our fourth year... or we were.

That's right.

Ani ended it.

But why?

I stumbled back a bit, falling onto the floor.

When did she end it? It couldn't have been yesterday. Wait... it was at the abandoned shop... she was there... Why were we there? How did it go? A headache began to form as I tried to recall the time. Nothing clicked. My whole face was aching at this point. Holding my head in my hands, I groan as I recalled a few words:

"I can not continue to be with you if I'm so fucking afraid of you."

Afraid? Why is she afraid of me? Memories flashed in my head. All the time I tried to touch her and she squirmed away. All the moments I called and her voice cracked. My head was hurting even more. Moaning, I felt tears build in my eyes.

"No... no, no, no! You don't cry Cassidy," I mumbled, my hands beating the sides of my head. Hit after hit, I felt my body heave a little... as if it was trying to tell me something. "Don't be such a fucking weakling... how else is the world going to love you.... no one can love a weak ass person as you.... no," the strikes became violent, heavier and faster.

An image of Ani sobbing beneath me, her neck red and tears rolling down her cheeks. She was mumbling something, something I couldn't understand. Bite marks were on her shoulders, thighs and stomach.

My arms froze and my body began to shake. The image left immediately but I could still see it. It was burning into me... into my skin. "Did... did I do that? W-When did I do that?" My eyes went to her sleeping form. There were no tears, just stains from them. There were no red marks on her face or neck like the image I saw.

So when did that happen? Did it even happen?

Pushing myself up, I get out of her room. Using the walls as my support, I groan as my head throbs. I don't remember hurting her. I don't remember doing anything to her ever. The Ani I remember and see is the smiling one. The kind one, the real one.... What was the image? Was it really one of my memories? Was it.... is it one of those illusions again?

Crouching down before the steps, my breathing becomes loud and heavy. The images of that boy flashed in my head again. Images I've seen forever.

The chair that laid on the ground. The body twitching every few seconds... soon it just went limp... so still. It flashed through, causing an even bigger migraine to come.

Forcing myself out of Ani's house, I stumble on her yard. My vision going blurry, the red appeared...

All I see is red.



When I woke up, it was already two in the morning. My knees still hurt but it was fine. It took a little for me to understand what happened but I finally remembered everything. "She must have brought me home," I pushed myself off my bed. My face was wiped clean, my hair loose. Seeing as the makeup wipes were left out, it only confirmed my guess. Going into my bag, I pull out my phone to see a few messages from Olivia and Alex. They were just asking where I was and if I was okay. Not interested in responding yet, I plug my phone in and go over to my little chair in the corner.

I immediately forgot about Cassie and remembered what I saw between Alissa and Victoria. My skin crawled. I would never have pinned Victoria to be so... to be violent. She seemed reasonable and kind. More of a words person. Did that girl Alissa do something to make her violent? But what could she had done to make Victoria act like that?

"But... wasn't Victoria the one to mess up?" I mumbled, remembering something about her saying she's sorry for what she did. My headache grew bigger so I decided not to think about it anymore. Instead I grabbed one of my mangas. Pulling out Fullmetal Alchemist, I see the book I shoved into the back. I was a freshman and so scared of anyone finding it, so to make sure no one could ever come across it I jammed it into the back of my bookshelf. Reaching out for it, I stare at it in my hands... smiling. "I must have hid you well because I even forgot about you," I mumbled.

Citrus. The first ever lesbian manga/book I've ever read. First LGBTQ thing I've ever seen. When I started dating Cassie I became really curious about... lesbian stuff so I found it as I looked among the shelves.

Flipping it open a little piece of paper comes falling out. Unfolding it, I almost cried when I saw her handwriting:

"The stars may hate me - yet love you,

Put I find my warmth by your burning coal -

By your truth and smile,

I may be lost within the cave of death -

But as long as that embers burns in the distance - I'll find you"


She hated literature... she sucked at it completely, but she was required to write a poem for class. It was the first and last poem she had ever written... and it was meant for me. I wanted to cry but I've sobbed so much that there were no more tears. Instead I pressed the letter into my chest and mumbled the words of it over and over again.

"I still haven't given up... I know it'll work," my voice cracked as I prayed that my idea would work.

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